new tank


I'm setting up a new 90 gallon tank I got a new light new pump and wavemaker I have two purple sailfin that will be going in when tanks ready ... I was think of maybe adding a yellow sailfin too ... or Idk another tang? Any suggestions ?I was wanting to add when the purple go in so all thee tangs would be introduced at the same time .... I have a mated dragonette they false spawn often ... I have some coral wanting to get more ..... any suggestions? If you want to see or follow I have a YouTube search MrBostonJoey you can see the progress I made so far and what I'm thing to do ... all videos are not edited so do expect any fancy camera work


Active Member
More info.... how long has it been set up. what lights? what pumps? I will wait for BTLDreef in here about the tangs.
He is the


SHE, She is the tang police, LOL
I would not keep three Zebrasoma species tangs in a 90G, they're very aggressive with each other. If you're set on doing the two purples together, I would definitely X the yellow tang idea, three tangs do not belong in a 90G, and especially not three Zebrasomas. You might be able to get away with doing a small Tomini or Kole, but it would depend on what else you wanted in your ultimate stocking list. Adding the two purple tangs first might be an issue if you plan on keeping any other tangs. My purple is only 3" and she beats on my 5-7" Blonde Naso, my Copperband Butterfly and both my dwarf angels in my 155.
What lighting do you have before I suggest corals?



That's the light I got
I have the two purple nowthey are schooled together already..they are in a 55 gal right now they are about twice the size of a half dollar... I couldn't say no to the two $80 so now I'm setting up The 90.... taking my timeish.. new filters coming in thats week oil run on my established tank for a couple weeks ... I'm hing to cycle thus tank longer than original plan .... for the fish sake . they seen very peaceful but yes I could see not a yellow that's why I was asking .. any suggestions coral

florida joe

Well-Known Member
three tangs do not belong in a 90G
A blanket statement which just is not true.
I would not try a Kole or Tomini. Purples are very aggressive and their aggression is predicated on similar shaped fish and not size.


You should be able to keep all corals under that lighting. SPS up top, LPS middle, softies bottom. Of course, start with the easier corals (softies), work up to LPS and then SPS once the tank is really established.
Some easier LPS to consider: Lobo's, Duncans, Acans, Torch Coral.


Originally Posted by florida joe http:///forum/thread/383294/new-tank#post_3351345
three tangs do not belong in a 90G
A blanket statement which just is not true.
I would not try a Kole or Tomini. Purples are very aggressive and their aggression is predicated on similar shaped fish and not size.
This was not a blanket statement as I did explain my thoughts on it.
I also happen to own a purple tang that is aggressive even with other shaped tangs. This is not the first purple I've had this issue with, so I'm speaking from experience as well.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the confusion, but you post
I would not keep three Zebrasoma species tangs in a 90G, they're very aggressive with each other.
Again I must say that is a blanket statement that is not true
I also happen to own a purple tang that is aggressive even with other shaped tangs. This is not the first purple I've had this issue with, so I'm speaking from experience as well.
I agree that is why I wonder why you recommend he try a Kole or Tomini that are small


Sorry if I'm a little defensive, there's a little bit of unrest and I'm fairly certain we have a troll in disguise on the boards at the moment that's taking cheap shots at me, so I'm a little on edge....
that being said, I do respect your opinion very much Joe.
Well, Zebrasoma's are usually aggressive with each other, that's kind of common knowledge. They will school in a big enough tank and if added together, but the smaller the tank, the more likely you are to see aggression. I was only suggesting the Kole or Tomini if he was set on having three tangs in the tank, as they'd be more likely to leave alone a different shape/species tang than they would a Yellow Tang, but in all likelyhood, no other tangs should be presented to the tank IMO. Personally, I think one purple tang in a 90G is too much, but to each their own.


I had one a long time ago was very peaceful with my naso blonde naso and hippo ... much bigger tank then
These two I have now one is very passive while the other is kinda aggressive ..... seems more like makel female behavior to me tho but still they are very young still ... the tank they se in now gets natural sunlight with t5 they both had ick
Now are clean and doing well

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Well let’s put the tang debate on hold and get to the person taking cheap shots at you. Before I can comment on that I must understand the term cheap.
. Worth relatively little
. Not worthy of respect
. Ashamed
Despicable as in a cheap liar
Ok now I know something about cheap shots


Don't know how this got way out of line .... the two purple I got are schooling together .... when I am transferring then to the 90 I wad wanting to add another tang .... I wouldn't mind an Orange sholder even .. or acelis is ? Similar to a naso but darker colors ... almost just wAnting another fish to school with them was thinking a yellow would look best .. or a hippo but they a so panicky and stress prom Idk ant thout on this ( side note I think I see my six line picking on my clown ... weird its smaller too )


Sixline wrasses can be nasty little fish. I had one kill my mandarin a while back along with some other fish. IMO, they should be added last, or the last of the smaller fish. The one I own now tried to beat on my Purple tang when I introduced it to the tank, that was funny to watch. The tang won...
I'm assuming you were referring to an achilles tang (Acanthurus achilles)? They are an amazing fish, but can be very, very aggressive with any other tang and tend to be more prone to ich (just like other members of it's genre - Powder blues, etc). It's recommended that they be in larger systems (150G or larger) because of their aggression.