I was reading all night last night on this site, so many things to think about. Not to mention i'm new to computers also, so hang in there with me. The new tank i want to be a reef tank with only reef safe fish. So all this reading , you know as i said all my fish died due to ich, except 1 clown and 1 mandrin. was also in the middle of building a stand for my 55 gallon tank with a window for my refugium and was thinking about doing some upgrades on it. So the question is should i drill the 55 or not , right now i have an overflow going down to the wetdry filter then over to the refugium and then back to the tank, as it is right now i have a skimmer thats hanging on the back but can put it in the new refugium. I was afraid to get rid of my wetdry because everything was going so good and everyone was happy. I have not had any nitrates since i installed my DIY 10 gal. refugium.so what do you guys think