New Tank


New Member
I'm putting together a saltwater tank for the first time an its a big tank the measurements are 10' L x 30" W x 4'1" T made with 2" acrylic. There are holes already in the base for the pumps an filtration. I'm concerned on what size pump an filtration units I would need for this tank to run properly. It is going to be setup outside to a restaurant so it will see sunlight all day but it will be enclosed at the top an bottom for the equipment to be secured from the weather elements an so that people can not feed them. I will appreciate any help I can get on this matter. Thank you


Well-Known Member
I would like to see some photos. Sketches,... Something.

I also suggest limiting your threads to one per topic.

Large custom acrylic sumps can be built by the same people that built the tank.

The filtration would be built into the sump, but you would have to have one or two large protein skimmers, depending on the bioload.

Consider a nice sized refugium to accompany the protein skimmers.

The cheap chinese LED lights on EBay are good choices for illumination, but more expensive American made LEDs would also give the glow without the cooling and energy bills piling up.

The window where the tank will sit needs a UV resistant coating to help protect the inhabitants.

I would also suggest installing large concrete parking poles in front of the restaurant to keep people from driving into it and causing tens of thousands of dollars in damages.

I hope to see pics soon.