new tank


New Member
I would like to know how many fish and inverts you can put into a 30 gal tank?:D I will be setting up a low 30 gal. tank with live rock and am mainly interested in inverts but would like one tang or a fish that is easy to care for. I was told to figure 10 gals. for every fish but no one mentions inverts. Thanks for any help.


Think no less than 5 gals of tank for 1" of fish some will go as far as 10 gal vs 1" of fish depending on who you talk to. IMO The 30 gal is not suited for a tang. IMO a tang should be kept in a tank no less than 4' but most tang's I suggest 6' of tank, They need lots of swimming room. and a 30gal will just not provide that. I would suggest a fish more suited for this tank. A pygmy angle of blenny of sopme sort. I would say 3 to 4 smaller fish would look great in this tank. Did you have any other fish in mind??
What kind of inverts are you asking about and we can give you more info?


New Member
Thank your for the good information. I will scratch the Tang. The inverts I was thinking about are a brittle starfish, Banded Shrimp, Feather Dusters and I would like to use living sand and rock.


I would also appreciate additional response to cyberfin's inquiry. I too an a brand new sw fan. I started with a 28 gal bowfront, 20lbs live rock. 15lbs of gravel and canister filter. 100watt heater and a protien skimmer on the way. Three yellowtail blue damsels and a green brittle star so far but I am thinking of removing one or two of the damsels to let more fish in. Also considering shrimp and crabs but will they get along with the brittle star?
I am thinking of setting up a 30 gal salt water aquarium. I found A set up that comes with the tank, hood, chemicals, heater, salt, book and H2O tester for cheap at my local pet store. I plan on putting live rock, and LS. I found some LS at ***** that is in a vacumed bag and is cheap. I was going to mix this with some dead crushed coral, is this a good idea? I was going to order some live rock online as well, not sure how much I should order, dont want a lot of rock. I want mostly coral,plant, anemones and maybe 2 clown fish a small puffer, and a horeshoe crab, with some clean up crews. Not much.... I dont plan on a slump or protein skimmer, I was told that it is not necessary. Any more comments will help!!! Also I always wanted to know how do you put the coral, polyps, anemones and things like that in the water? Dont they sting, and how do you get them to stick onto the LR?



Originally posted by jayster
I would also appreciate additional response to cyberfin's inquiry. I too an a brand new sw fan. I started with a 28 gal bowfront, 20lbs live rock. 15lbs of gravel and canister filter. 100watt heater and a protien skimmer on the way. Three yellowtail blue damsels and a green brittle star so far but I am thinking of removing one or two of the damsels to let more fish in. Also considering shrimp and crabs but will they get along with the brittle star?

Well the green brittle star can eat small fish. Not all buy some do. They grow very large as time go's on. The shrimp and crabs should be fine just keep an eye on your smaller fish.
Just FYI for those reading when It comes to brittle star I recomend the Black Hawaiin Brittle star. A lot less aggresive. The green one are a gamble.



Originally posted by chrisareston
I am thinking of setting up a 30 gal salt water aquarium. I found A set up that comes with the tank, hood, chemicals, heater, salt, book and H2O tester for cheap at my local pet store. I plan on putting live rock, and LS. I found some LS at ***** that is in a vacumed bag and is cheap. I was going to mix this with some dead crushed coral, is this a good idea? I was going to order some live rock online as well, not sure how much I should order, dont want a lot of rock. I want mostly coral,plant, anemones and maybe 2 clown fish a small puffer, and a horeshoe crab, with some clean up crews. Not much.... I dont plan on a slump or protein skimmer, I was told that it is not necessary. Any more comments will help!!! Also I always wanted to know how do you put the coral, polyps, anemones and things like that in the water? Dont they sting, and how do you get them to stick onto the LR?

Ok on your sand I recomend not to mix CC stay with the sand only. CC is not inviting to infuna and traps a lot of debrie.
Read this artical by Dr Ron Shimek
Deep Sand Beds
Then make your decission.
Also I suggest you leave the HS crab out they grow to 2' in length. And will depleat a SB of Infuna.
On LR I recommend 1 to 2 lbs per gal of Tank.
The use of a Protine skimmer is in still hot debate. I do run
tank[strike] with out one. But to run with out a skimmer you will need to have an alternate source for nutrient removal.
Most corals sting will not harm humans Notice I said most there are a few that are reported to hurt but nothing serious. We use superglue and epoxy's to glue corals to rock when needed. Some just sit on top or in cracks. HTH[/strike]


New Member
Now that you mentioned it what alternate source for nutrient removal would you use if you don't use a skimmer? Also what is the best way to filter, a power filter, a canister, what? I've decided not to use the 30 gal., but to get a 50 gal. I think I will be much happier going this way.:D
Absolutely Cyber. I work at a LFS, and you can't believe how many people think they want to start small to save money, get hooked, and buy the big one anyway, essentially wasting the money spent on the small setup, unless they use if for a quarantine tank. My advise, go as large as possible...especially for salt water.
Thanks for the help! You say super glue or use epoxy for coral and anemones, plants etc? Or just coral? Do I need to take out the rock that I will be gluing them to out then glue them and replace the rock in the aquarium? Should I put the coral in with rock and sand when I frist set up my aquarium or will that hurt them during the cycle? Also at ***** they sell coral dead hard coral that says it is reharvestable, does that mean it will come back to life? Has anyone had experince with this before?
Thanks for all the help... I bought a book but it doesnt answer all my questions, I plan on purchasing a 30 gal tank in september!! So I want t o learn as much as I can... Right now I have a fresh water aquarium and it is doing great.. so I am going to try SW.



Originally posted by cyberfins
Now that you mentioned it what alternate source for nutrient removal would you use if you don't use a skimmer? Also what is the best way to filter, a power filter, a canister, what? I've decided not to use the 30 gal., but to get a 50 gal. I think I will be much happier going this way.:D

Growing Macro algae's in the main tank or with the addition of a Refugium. These will need to be prund regularly. these plants eat nutriens and prunning them and removing on regular basis can take the place of a protine skimmer.
the best way to filter is with live rock and 3.5" to 6" DSB will be all the filtration you need with the addition of a skimmer or a Refugium for nutrien export. JMO & JME


New Member
Thank you for this excellent information. What is a DSB, remember you are talking to a novice and I don't understand all the lingo yet.



Originally posted by chrisareston
Thanks for the help! You say super glue or use epoxy for coral and anemones, plants etc? Or just coral? Do I need to take out the rock that I will be gluing them to out then glue them and replace the rock in the aquarium? Should I put the coral in with rock and sand when I frist set up my aquarium or will that hurt them during the cycle? Also at ***** they sell coral dead hard coral that says it is reharvestable, does that mean it will come back to life? Has anyone had experince with this before?
Thanks for all the help... I bought a book but it doesnt answer all my questions, I plan on purchasing a 30 gal tank in september!! So I want t o learn as much as I can... Right now I have a fresh water aquarium and it is doing great.. so I am going to try SW.

For corals only. An anenome is going to go where it wants think of an anenome like any other fish or critter. I lives where it like in your tank. Yes remove rock to place coral on it let dry then replace back into the tank.
Let the tank cycle before you add any critters or coral. Add rock and sand and water all at once. If using uncured rock then this will start the cycle. If using cured then throw in a piece of raw shrimp from the grocery store and allow to decay in tank. this will start your cycle, It will take weeks for this to happen. IMO allow 2 months before adding any critters.JMO
and no a dead coral will not come back to life. dead is dead. oh and one more piece of advice. Do not listen to *****. Come here and ask you questions.
Thanks for the help! So what is reharvestable coral? Will coral multiply in my tank also? I look at coral as a rock! Also is the LS from ***** in a bag of water ok to use? It is about $29 for a 20 LB bag.
Thanks For The help!



Originally posted by chrisareston
Thanks for the help! So what is reharvestable coral? Will coral multiply in my tank also? I look at coral as a rock! Also is the LS from ***** in a bag of water ok to use? It is about $29 for a 20 LB bag.
Thanks For The help!

not sure what they are saying there?? But yes some corals will multiplt, some will have offspring. Yes you can use this sand, but there are cheaper alternatives. I'm sure if you did a search on this site you'll find lots of threads on sand beds and south down sand.


Responding to quote:
"Well the green brittle star can eat small fish. Not all buy some do. They grow very large as time go's on. The shrimp and crabs should be fine just keep an eye on your smaller fish.
Just FYI for those reading when It comes to brittle star I recomend the Black Hawaiin Brittle star. A lot less aggresive. The green one are a gamble."
Everything you say has so far been true. I am also out of my mind with distraction towords my new tank. I cant get enough of it but I will attempt to restrain myself and go slow.
I started with four damsels to cycle the tank. Two of them took over the 20 lbs of live rock driving the smaller two to hide behind the heater and filter. The smallest was really getting his ass chewed and looked to be on his last leg the night I introduced the Green brittlestar. The next morning the little guy was gone and the brittle showed an odd fish-shaped hump on his back. Dont know if the little guy died or the brittled pulled him out of mid water.
Anyway, the brittle may be aggressive but he is sure fun to watch when an alge pellet is thrown in the tank.
My plan is to go with two feather dusters this week and then a banded shrimp in another week or two. Does all this sound compatable?