New Tank


I am going to start a new tank, not sure on reef or FO yet but what is a good filter to use, and do I need a protein skimmer right away. Also, do you have to have an overflow in your tank? I've seen them on some and not on others.

mr . salty

Active Member
Welcome to our BB. Do you know what size this tank eill be? This will determine alot of the equiptment you will need. Yes you will need a skimmer. And an overflow is only needed if you plan on having a sump filter.I also suggest that before you buy ANYTHING you read alot. Reserch filters and other equiptment,and get a better idea of what you want.Then ask more specific questions.


I've dona a lot of reading, I've also read a lot on here but I'm not really sure on whats good and whats not. I intend on starting a 55 or 75 gallon tank. I am leaning toward the 75 but It depends on teh cash flow.