new tank


i have a 75 gal setting up for FO, How long does it need to be set up till adding fish. No live rock or live sand in it.


Active Member
Great question. Ultimate answer:
It Depends:)
Add something to get the bacteria growing. Uncured LR, fish food, deli shrimp, etc.
Let it perculate and rot. In a couple days start testing for ammonia and nitrites. If you don't have these test kits they're a must for the hobby.
You'll see your ammonia levels rise and fall and your nitrite levels rise and fall. When every measurement is 0 for at least 3 days in a row, do a water change and you can start adding animals.
Go slowly with the animals so your bacteria can grow as needed.
During this lull in activity and wait is a good time to research which animals you may want to keep.
Good Luck and let us know how it goes!


Thanks! I have a test kit, i have had a 20 gal reef tank for about 8 months doing great.
It has: 25lbs lr, 45lbs ls, 2 kinds of mushrooms, frogspawn, leather, yellow pod, my brain died when we lost power had him for 7 month, 2 clowns, and a cleanup crew.
Just never had fo thank for the information