New Tank !

I am going to buy a 125 gal tank for an agressive setup. I already have a reef tank and I want to know your suggestions for sand bed - skimmer - L/R or no L/R - what is easiest to maintain?
also what is the best way to cycle?


New Member
It depends on what you're putting in your tank. For rays and sharks you want very little live rock, but live sand is a most so they won't cut themselves on the cc. Most aggresive fish are very messy eaters so you're going to want really good filtration. I personally wouldn't go without a skimmer. If planning on an eel you're going to want live rock for it to live in. It all depends on what you want to put in your tank. Do you know what you want yet? I also noticed your from Colorado. Where at in Colorado?


Put a skimmer on becuase some fish are very messy eaters.If you are getting sharks a good choice is to get a coral catshark.
Is this to small for any type of shark?
I was thinking more of puffers and triggers but would love a shark but do not want to small of a tank for it.
does it really help much to have l/r in an agressive setup?
I would think it might but if it really does not matter then would like to stay away from it since it is so expensive.
What type of filter do you think is best?
Do you use power heads ?
How often do you have to "vacuum"-clean your sand?
hey nmoran - I am from arvada where do you live?


New Member
Yea, there are a few sharks that would fit in a 125. I know the Marbled, Coral Catshark, and Epaulette shark would all be ok, but you should ask risc he would know better then I. You're probably going to want to stay away from live rock or use little if your putting a shark in there so it will have as much room as possible. But you should put something in there that the shark can hide in during the day time. My banded catshark hides in the little bit of live rock that I have during the day. You're definitly going to want a protein skimmer and a big wet/dry. You can read risc's post on filtration for sharks. That should help you out.
I use to live in Parker. That's where I went to high school. Ponderosa, I don't know if you've ever heard of it. But now I live up in Golden. I play football up here at the Colorado School of Mines. I just wanted to know if you know any good fish stores. I've only been to three. Sherman's Tank Company, Neptunes Tropical fish, and The Reef Gallery. The only one I like is Sherman's. It's crowded inside but it's cheap and the fish are always healthy. He'll aslo order anything for you, at a good price. You might want to go in there, and ask him about a shark. Reef Gallery is way over priced and Neptunes just isn't all that good. Do you know any good ones?


You guys might want to try Great Barrier Reef. They are by far my favorite. Large store, great selection, and fair prices. Or Oceans Apart isn't bad either. Not real big, but their fish are the healthiest, and best cared for that I have ever seen. Prices are a little high, but sometimes its worth it.
Im surprised to hear you like Sherman. I think the place is a dive. I personally have never seen a healthy fish in there, and their service and knowledge? I think it leaves something to be desired. JMO :)
I like oceans apart.
I use to hate sherman but they have changed there ways IMO. I have been going there recently just to check it out (closest store to me). I do not see unhealthy fish anymore and the store is a lot cleaner!! They sell so much stuff it is unreal! I stop by there during the work day and they still have 6 to 7 customers all the time.


New Member
I have only been going to going for Sherman's for about a month. So I don't know if in the past it sucked, but from what I've seen it's pretty good. After I bought a Berlin Turbo on line for 190. I went in there and was talking to the guy and was found out he could have gotten one for me for about 150. And I know if you order fiji live rock from them, over 45 pounds, you can get it at about $1.90 a pound. That's the best I've ever seen. I don't believe it's cured but still the cheapest besides that I've seen is around $4. NOVICE150, where is the Great Barrier Reef? I've never heard or it. And Colorado_Reef, have you decided if you're getting a shark yet? I love mine. If you're willing to take the time with it. I would definitly get one.
"great barrier reef"
It is at sante fe and oxford
I have never bought from them but it seems like a nice store.
and no I have not decided on my aggressive setup
I can't wait to get started though!! :)