New tank ?


New Member
I am getting ready to set up a 70 gallon tank... just painted the background blue today! If I concentrate primarily on fish, can I still have some mushrooms, zoo's, etc.? I also like shrimp, crabs, feather dusters, and seastars.
I have a power compact light system (4 x 65W), canister filter, power skimmer, and plan on LR and LS when I get the tank set up. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your insight.
i think mushrooms and most soft corals would do very well. I have the same setup 4x65 on my 55 and I haven`t had any problems with any soft coral or moderate light LPS. I would get the tank well established and have a cleaner crew in place before adding corals. Focus on the fish first and maintaining tank parameters and you will do well, good luck.

nm reef

Active Member
If water chemistry is stable and you have decent circulation and filtration then you could keep softies/mushrooms/polyps...but I'd suggest you carefully select your corals and stay with those that prefer low to moderate lighting. :cool:
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Active Member
It can certainly be done. While you're waiting for cycling and such it's a good time to research fish. Remember some will eat inverts, corals, etc. A good stocking plan goes a long way.
Good luck and keep us informed!