new tank


I want to thank you guys for all your help and advice. My tank finally is fit for fish. I purchased a clown and a figi devil. Eventually I would like to add a crab and other interesting things. Any suggestions. My tank is 38 gal. Should I ad any live rock, I keep hearing alot about it but am unsure of what it is or does. Thanks again!!
Live rock adds a major advantage to your filtration system. You might want to, if you have not done so already, go with live sand as well. As far as inverts go, I have had very good luck with Scarlet Hermit crabs and Emerald Crabs. They all get along fine with each other and they clean my tank non-stop. If you decide on some Scarlets, may I suggest you also pick up some empty shells and drop some in your tank....Scarlets have been known to kill one another to occupy the loser's shell.


Active Member
Advice - Are you planning on moving to the reef tank? Are you planning on adding any other fish to your tank?
Get a quarantine tank - once you add live rock it's hard to irradicate ick without it. I have live rock and it's impossible to remove the fish (too amny for a QT tank) and impossible to remove the LR (my biofilter)