New Term for Missing Animals


A friend and I were half drunk one night and came up with a new term for a fish, invert, coral, etc. that goes missing in your tank..
MRA = Missing Reef Animal
Could be used for any of our marine life..
For example, here is my recent MRA:


some places they do.. I also had a bartlett's anthias go MRA for over a week and popped up out of the blue.. I have so many caves setup in my tank, that I may have to reaquascape, just to find my fish!


In my work we use a lot of different acronyms for missing items (I'm in a warehouse where things turn up missing all the time, only to be found later somewhere completely random and stupid). I think it's a great term! You could even do MIA- Missing In Aquarium -you know it's there, you just can't find the d**** thing!

clown boy

Active Member
I imagine "Missing Fish Only With Live Rock Animal." FOWLR is a commonly used term that means a "Fish Only With Live Rock" tank.


I am in the Army, therefore I get SICK of acronyms. Anyway, whats wrong with MIA? Or, KIA?


Originally Posted by MOPARDWH
I am in the Army, therefore I get SICK of acronyms. Anyway, whats wrong with MIA? Or, KIA?
What kind of action are they in? I dont have a war in my tank.. :notsure:


still way too many people viewing and noone voting.. guess people could care less about terms for our tanks! but thats ok..
at least if u look, take a quick vote, or if the option that u want to select isnt there, we can count it as a write-in ballot!
as of right now, 214 views, and a measly 26 votes!