New to a 24g Nano - isn't it all self contained?!!



HI All,
Just a question..I got a 24 Nano for Xmas - my sisters idea to get me back into my love of fish & aquariums! However, it's been years - my boyfriend got me this tank and my sis told him to get it because "it's all self contained" - "everything she needs"....But I see alot of people on here jacking up the Nano with extra lights/filters...I've done none of this thinking...I'm all set with the cube? other thing..I never had LR before...but by coincidence my sisters tank broke & she saved the rock for me for the beneficial bacteria...Now I have it, it seems I can't get rid of the diatom algea (brown algea) and some little green algea. Today a few "white spots" on the glass I never had before..this after a water change last weekend?? My water parimeters seem fine? Trites, Trates = 0 / no ammonia / salinity 1.022-1.023 / ph around 8 / temo around 78....
I have 2 small damsels, LR, 5 peppermint shrimp, 4 emerald crabs, some snails....I've done a 25% water change (not with special water)Just from the tap & treated with dechlorinator, some stress coat etc.
Also, I used live sand with a deep sand bed...white of course- what a mistake it seems now with this algae!
Wish I did black now! ALso, its hard to use the vacume sucks the sand out?? Grrr...Any suggestions or answers to this would be SO helpful!
Thanks Guys :)


Active Member
when you do a water change why do you put stress coat? and whats dechlorinator? and people do these kinds of mods because they wanna have nice corals. also the parameters look great to me. maybe your phosphate are high. nass snails will take care of the algae. please dont tell me you got it cause your lfs told you. also would you be able to take a pic?


Active Member
i love how i take time typing and subie comes and does it in seconds!
go with what subie said. nvm what i said


By dechlorinator - I mean I either use stress coat in the water or amquel to prepare the tap water to remove any metals etc. Then I mix in the salt with a power head, then add it to the tank.
I lost my camera in my boyfriends move, but plan to get another soon so I can post pics. I had my initial algae bloom and barely any cycle being I had the beneficial LR...all is zero now. Damsels doing well, clean up crew ok too. Just wish the brown algae didn't look so bad on my sand. My sister gave me a snail that she had in her tank (her tank broke) not sure the name of it but she said it cost her some $$? It has a shiny cream colored shell but sometimes camouflages itself kinda green & prickly looking. Weird ha? I also have 2/3 larger turbos, a couple blue leg hermits, 4 emerald crabs, 5 peppermint shrimps and a couple tiny snails..really tiny (? forget the name) Narcissus?
I just wondered if I this Nano was sufficient enough with filtration etc because I see many add more to the tank? Maybe its the lighting?


Active Member
You are going to want to switch to using ro/di water or distilled. Tap water could be contributing to your algae problem. Cerith and nassarius snails will help clean up the sand. You should be doing 10% water changes weekly. Read through those threads that I posted and post your questions here, lots of good people to point you in the right direction.