new to aggressive


i was thinking about setting up an aggressive in my 125gal. I wanted to add a volitan lion, picasso trigger, panther grouper, and some type of eel(not made up my mind yet). Is this going to be to crowded? TIA!


Active Member
The volitan, once full grown will be plenty big for a 125. IMO, not too big, but others may disagree. It should be the only really large fish in the tank. The trigger will be fine, but the panther will eventually outgrow the tank - they get huge, from what I've read/heard, they can pass the 3' mark. An eel will be a good addition, depending on the species. Sounds like a similar tank to my 75. I've got a Russells lion (slightly smaller than the volitan) and a banded moray eel. I'm planning on a female bluejaw trigger, then a 3rd fish which I have decided on yet, perhaps an angel or butterfly.


The panther will get too big, very fast, and that's not a guess.
The triggers can and often do attack slow movers like lionfish, but many people are able to keep them together, so it's always a gamble and just depends on the individual fish AND how well they are fed.
Certain triggers (bluejaws, crosshatches, sargassum and pink tails) are far less aggressive and often do better with mellower fish, like lions.