New to board, New AP24


New Member
Well after years of reading and research I have finally started my reef tank. I had a couple of disasters about five years ago so I took up gambling in Vegas, instead. I got a good win so I have now switched back to Saltwater and a nano reef. My tank has been up for about 5 weeks. Any help, ideas, concerns, pointers, identifications or comments are welcomed.
AP 24 with 150 HQI
Cl-85 Heater/chiller
Aqua C Remora
45 Lbs premium live rock (cured)
40 Lbs bio live sand
Maxi jet 1200 replacement pump
All test zero......


hope your pH and temp aren't zero (not to be a smart-ace), but make sure pH is around 8.0 to 8.2 and temp around 78 degrees.
looks really nice though. seems like you may have it figured out.


New Member
Thanks. Any idea on the purple zoo in the back? It's only been with me for a few days and has yet to really open. I'm thinking about lowing him. My photoperiod is currently 6 hours as I have morning sun.


Active Member
Zoos can be slow to adjust. I have one colony that adusted in just a few hours, I have another colony that took the better portion of a week to come around.
Nice tank... be sure to feed that anemone.


New Member
What would you suggest as the best diet for that Bubble tip?
I'm happy to buy/make whatever. I was going to get a feeding stick for him as well. Again thanks for the input.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Power1
What would you suggest as the best diet for that Bubble tip?
I'm happy to buy/make whatever. I was going to get a feeding stick for him as well. Again thanks for the input.
A good mix of stuff... Check to see what meaty stuff your LFS has (silversides, etc.). But you can also feed raw, frozen seafood from the supermarket. I used to get a bag of raw seafood medly stuff (had shimp, squid, and a few other things in it).


First off, nice looking tank.
My question to you is regarding the Aquapod. I have the same set-up as you in regards to tank and lights. What does your water temperature get to with the metal halide lights on? After 6 or 7 hours, my temp is anywhere from 80.5 to as high as 81.4.
I was going to leave them on for ten hours but the temp was getting to high after 7 hours so never left them on that long. I see you have a chiller, but did you ever have this problem?


First off, nice looking tank.
My question to you is regarding the Aquapod. I have the same set-up as you in regards to tank and lights. What does your water temperature get to with the metal halide lights on? After 6 or 7 hours, my temp is anywhere from 80.5 to as high as 81.4.
I was going to leave them on for ten hours but the temp was getting to high after 7 hours so never left them on that long. I see you have a chiller, but did you ever have this problem?


New Member
Originally Posted by jon2arch
First off, nice looking tank.
My question to you is regarding the Aquapod. I have the same set-up as you in regards to tank and lights. What does your water temperature get to with the metal halide lights on? After 6 or 7 hours, my temp is anywhere from 80.5 to as high as 81.4.
I was going to leave them on for ten hours but the temp was getting to high after 7 hours so never left them on that long. I see you have a chiller, but did you ever have this problem?

Thanks for the complement. As to temperature , you ask a good question at a good time. I just had an issue with my chiller/heat unit. Due to a series of unfortunate events my water temp spiked to 86. This caused considerable stress to the biotope but it did make me learn more about how important the temperature is. I am planning to use 80 as my new baseline up from 78.
I am now under the impression that if you pick your reef inhabitants from a specific region (i.e. Indio-Pacific) that thrive at higher temps then your only issue is keeping the temperature stable. Your right you will get a 4 or 5 degree spike with the 150 and some type of chiller is, in my opinion, the most effective way to manage it. Fans blowing across the open top that aid in evaporation could be a cost effective solution. I live in California and I am going to buy another chiller when we hit spring. I am now content to keep the temp swings to a minimum.
I don't recommend the CL-85 for the AP 24 with 150. I will be buying 1/15 hp from current. It would seem that is the best tool for the job.