New to clams! Maxima


Got a great deal on a blue Maxima Ultra today... I was just wondering best placement for him... I have a 28g with 2 10k t5 and 2 430 T5's.. right now i have him near the bottom as the lights are off now... I know they need lots of light just was not sure how high to place this little guy.
PS my Purple Pseudochromis seems to keep coming up to it... i also placed it on his side.... shoudl I move it ?


Active Member
In the sandbed. Low to moderate flow. High lighting. Their coloring will change with the lighting spectrum they receive.


PS my Purple Pseudochromis seems to keep coming up to it... i also placed it on his side.... shoudl I move it ?


Active Member
maxima clams need strong light. on the sandbed that far away from the light isnt a good idea. the maxima should be on the rockwork closer to the light, since u hv 4 t5 bulbs and only 2 of them r 2 10k.


Active Member
No don't really see it. It should be place with the opening up towards the light, not on it's side. If you want to keep it in the rock that will be fine as long as you have it in a place where it won't fall off and it can attach too.


Originally Posted by nycbob
maxima clams need strong light. on the sandbed that far away from the light isnt a good idea. the maxima should be on the rockwork closer to the light, since u hv 4 t5 bulbs and only 2 of them r 2 10k.

Originally Posted by spanko

No don't really see it. It should be place with the opening up towards the light, not on it's side. If you want to keep it in the rock that will be fine as long as you have it in a place where it won't fall off and it can attach too.


Well now it some how it ended up on the sand bed right side up without me moving it... hmmm...well any idea where I should put


Yes I'm I'm a nurse and when I'm on shift I usually cant check my tank/msg board for a 1 or more


Its me in the avatar currently...I had a picture of a squirtle from pokemon before...but only because I thought it was humorous


LOL...Pokemon...sorry about the mistake I should have known that
If that Powerhead blowing right on it? IF NOT, then YES, as long as the clam stays there, that should be better


Active Member
Clams can jump off rocks if they aren't happy there.
My maxima sits in the sand bed currently along with my derasa and crocea but I also have metal halide lighting.
How big is your maxima? None of the pictures show up for me at work.


Was able to sneak on for a second... lol.. I actually had the move the clam down slightly because it looked real unstable where it was.. In now about halfway down on the right on the rocks.. It's failry small right now (which I read is usally harder to raise) is say 1 1/2 inches ..but I'm also not at home right now to look at it..
..I have this Oyster feast food to broadcast feed it.. how often do you should I need to feed it?


Active Member
If you are feeding it make sure you are feeding it the right micron size food. Spot feeding it too large of food and you can possibly clog the gills or just doesn't do any good.
There is a culture out there, Iso... something I believe. It's yellow (like phyto is green) and that is about the best from clams. I can't remember the full name but maybe someone else can pipe in.
I'm not sure if oyster eggs are even on the diet of a clam though.