New to LPS - looking for suggestions

I am new to LPS Corals, I have kept plenty of mushrooms and softies in the past in other tanks but finally upgraded the lighting on the new tank to MH's.
I was wondering if there was a FAQ's site about LPS?
I was curious what the most important factors are when growing them?
Thank you!


Active Member
I would just research the individual LPS coral that interests you. Some LPS corals sting while others are very peaceful. Some prefer low light and some like a medium-high light. Almost all LPS corals appreciate spot feeding. With metal halide lighting you will be able to keep any LPS. Most likely you will want to have them at the bottom of tank.


Well-Known Member
oooo ooo oo I love LPS, (but not as much as sps!)
Here's some beginner ones to try:
Candy Cane Coral
Trumpet Coral
Fox Coral
Open Brain
Closed Brain
Hammer Coral
FrogSpawn Coral
Torch Coral
Galaxea Coral
Branching Hammer Coral
Branching FrogSpawn Coral
Metallic green ""
Metallic ""
Pink ""
There's quite a few I'm not listing, but Those are the ones that I personally like the most. :D


Acans are also an easy LPS in my opinion... I've know people that have kept them under the crappy AGA lights up to MH's... They're just expensive and addicting...
micromussa, very similar to acans are also very easy to care for in my few week experience since getting my first frag. They are very colorful and fun to look at even when they close up they still have great color. But like said above, they are $$$
chalices are another cool looking coral with great colors but also very expensive