New to nano tanks need help...


Ok just this morning I set up a ten gallon nano tank with a top fin 10 filter.
The water is already cycled beacause it is from my 75 gallon FO tank.
The first thing I want to know is what kind of lighting do i need for such a tiny tank? Can someone tell me what to type into google and look up? I want to be able to keep ALL corals.. I think this means 4-6 watts per gallon??
Can someone also please give me a good stocking list..
What fish can go in this smal tank??
Thanks so much,


Active Member
You can find 75W pendant halides that will enable you to house everything. Other than that, it is going to be hard to fit a high power hood on that tank. Besides, you will only be able to put 2-3 corals tops in there. Keep in mind that corals grow and you will constantly be fragging them out.
I wouldn't add any fish to a 10 gallon. It is just inhumane IMO.


you can put in some of the small gobies like a neon, yellow clown goby, or a yellow watchman, or a few of the other shrimp symbiots. Also, you could probably get away with a small false percula clownfish (maybe even 2). I'm just starting a 12 gallon jbj deluxe with 2 -24 watt lights, and I've heard soft corals should be ok. If you want both soft and hard corals you might have a problem with space in a 10 gallon. From what I understand the softies might kill your hard corals. Check into each specifically for info. and lighting requirements before adding, though. Keep in mind that if you get something like a metal halide you'll probably need some good ventillation to keep the tank from getting too hot. With a small tank you can get a good deal of temperature fluctuation from day to night, so keeping a stable temperature can become an issue. The nano tank forums can probably help you out even more. I hope that helps some! Good luck!

soo high

Originally Posted by Robert Dri
Sooo now you're giving advise.....give it a break

nano are a waste of time and money i think because the money and time u put in a 5 gallon tank is the same as a 55 gallon tank i mean its cute and all but if i was a fish i woudnt want to be in a small tank...that my .02 on a nano tank :)