new to nano tanks where to buy


New Member
I always had a fresh water tank and wanted to start a salt tank. I have been reading this forum and want to start a nano my question is should i make one or buy a complete setup. also where is the best place to buy from Thanks


New Member
online, plain and simple. You can get a jbj deluxe 12 for just over a hundred bucks if you shop around right. Just make sure the package is insured.


many of the various brands have all the filtration build into the back out of sight (and come with al the goodies) if you want get one with good lights theres one, i forget who makes it, that has a MH hood in it.


i got the aquapod 24, comes with filtration and lights and looks nice.
i bought mine at the LFS here and it wasnt too expensive


New Member
do they come with the right lighting for the coral or do you have to upgrade. I was looking at the jbj 24 deluxe thanks


the one i have has the right lighting for corals except the hard corals...or so ive been told lol
working on getting some corals right now for it and got a banded shrimp today at one of the best lfs around the augusta ga area