New to nanos need help.


Ok just this morning I set up a ten gallon nano tank with a top fin 10 filter.
The water is already cycled beacause it is from my 75 gallon FO tank.
The first thing I want to know is what kind of lighting do i need for such a tiny tank? Can someone tell me what to type into google and look up? I want to be able to keep ALL corals.. I think this means 4-6 watts per gallon??
Can someone also please give me a good stocking list..
What fish can go in this smal tank??
Thanks so much,


for a reef go with 1 1/2 pounds per gallon get as powerful a light u can trust me and invest in the night glow systems. you know the ones that simulate moon light good stuff. you might want like metal halide or actinic, you could even find 50/50 lights with like 40 watt. (50/50 are half white light half blue) as for google i have no idea, if you want a good fish site ***********.com is good. that's all i can think of.