New To Salt Jebo Lighting Any Good???


New Member
I'm new to the salt water hobby, I just spent a ton of money on my tank rocks and equipment. I got a 72 bow front and Everyone is telling me I need to upgrade my lighting. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the JEBO brand my LFS sells thier products but it is alot cheaper on ----. I was thinking of getting 2 17" MH lights each produce about 220W and I'm going to keep the original light that it came with just a reg 48" single bulb. So if anyone has or hased used JEBO please let me know how it turned out.


Have used Jebo lighting myself. The units are made of lower quality materials than most other manufacturers( eg. Coralife) and are imports from China I believe. Tend to run hot even on units that come with the mini fans installed in the fixtures. Also their bulbs tend not to put out as much light watt for watt or so it seems to me when I purchased bulbs from the company for my Coralife bulbs that needed replacement. All in all however the cost savings seem to be substantial provided that you are not overly disappointed with their overall quality.


Active Member
I'd have to agree with jr. I had jebo's as the main lighting on my tank for a few months and they worked just fine. They were a little hot, but not hot enough to matter really. Since then I've taken apart the fixture and used it as supplemental lighting to go with my MH's. So they are just actinic's now and they work fine for that as well. But, jebo's "actinic" lights aren't really actinic. They are just a light with a blue paint to give a blue tint. They look ok though. I think real actinic lights look a little better though.


Active Member
i have their pc's (130wt), and i love them.
the fans that came with them were kinda crappy, but i got external fans and it keeps it nice and cool.


Active Member
I started off with a Jebo 55w x 4 PC fixture. It cost me about $75 shipped on the popular auction site.
-inexpensive for PC lighting
-the replacement bulbs are also inexpensive
-came in an oak color to match my stand....also comes in black
-No compatible legs to raise the fixture off the tank. I made my own
-Must replace with Jebo/Odyssea bulbs as they are only 21" instead of the standard 22"
-electronics arent certified. Don't call Jebo if house burns down
-Actinics arent true actinics
-no fans or other form of ventilation
Overall, you get what you pay for. I ended up taking my whole fixture apart and used the guts to retrofit my canopy and supplement a 400w 20000K MH


If you wanna burn you house down go ahead and get a Jebo. Right now they are in trouble with the state of California for this problem with their lights. California is trying to stop the sales of these lights in the state. They are based out of california I belive so thats the reason why they want them out. i have talked to countless Lfs and they have all told me the same thing if they have even heard about Jebo in the first place. I just ordered a Orbit fixture made by Current USA. They sell a 48" fixture with two MH and two Pc's Im guessing around $600 for the fixture. Great lights Hope this helps