New to Salt water Have a 125 stocked need Everyones opinion


Im new to salt water. I currently Have a 125 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump and not exactly sure how much rock but it was not live rock. I have
1 Bicolor Angel
1 Royal Grama
1 3 Stripe Damsel
1 Domino Damsel
1 Yellowtail Damsel
1 Blue headed Goby ( iTHINK)
1 Firefish
2 Perculla CLowns
2 Turbo Snails
1 Green brittle star
1 valentini Puffer
All im looking for is any input on what i should expect with this setup and what i should add to this. Also im feeding them all San Fransico brand Frozen cubes variety pack. i have noticed that the bi color never seems to be interested in the food but waits till later at night to scavenge off the rock. and the puffer only eats certain frozen cubes. is there something more i should be feeding them. and also what is a good fish to cycle a 30 gallon with heater and one power head? it will be a quarantine tank when i get new fish but when not a q tank it will be a small display for a few fish


Active Member
I agree on the cleanup crew and I'd get rid of the Damsels if I were you. Especially the Domino one... he gets agressive and annoying very soon and grows fast.


would the damsels do better in a reef / coral tank? as in a few months im planning on setting up a 55 tank for corals. and eventually frag into the big tank. also what do u recommend on quantity for a cleanup crew snails crabs shrimp? how many of each? keep in mind i may add corals later on


Active Member
I think the Damsels would do just fine in the 55g reef tank with other more agressive fish. I'm going to try to leave our @#%# damsels in the 55g once we move the others to our 150g.


Originally Posted by jt41484
would the damsels do better in a reef / coral tank? as in a few months im planning on setting up a 55 tank for corals. and eventually frag into the big tank. also what do u recommend on quantity for a cleanup crew snails crabs shrimp? how many of each? keep in mind i may add corals later on
If you look at the "reef packages" on SWF you'll find a 100gal+ cleaner crew. That has 100 hermit crabs, 60 snails, 10 emerald crabs..and much more, might check that out


Just cycle your QT with some fish food... I'd throw like half a cube in there. Toby puffers (like the valentini) can be a bit picky with their food. They prefer crustaceans. Mine eats mysis, brine, and krill. A variety of frozen foods should suffice for your tank, they can pick out what they like. Be advised that included in your puffer's natural diet are hermit crabs and snails. Many of these small puffers are fine in reef tanks, but it may end up snacking on your clean up crew. I agree with others on the damsels, they tend to become a pain.