New to salt water need advice Thanks


:help: I have a new 125 gal tank and would like to know if 1 I need a protein skimmer. 2 I have a Cascade 1200 canister filter is that enought? 3 I have about 75lbs of live sand, but I have been told to mix it with cc is this something I should do ? 4 how much live rock should i start off with? 5 what should I use in the stackable filter canister. 6 do I need to heat the tank I have been told yes and no? One last thing should I use a power head or the spay bar with my canister filter?This will be my first saltwater tank so any other suggestions would be greatly welcomed. Thanks.


1. yes protein skimmers are the most effective way to filter your tank. plus you have a BIG tank so you will have a lot of livestock.
2. no add a skimmer onto that.
3. most people think that crushed coral is a detritis trap and it's harder for sandbed dwellers to stir up your sand. use 50% livesand and 50% sugar sized aragonite.
4. i would start w/ atleast a 50 lb box and then work your way up. the rule of thumb is that for a tank to really flourish you need 1 1/2 pounds per gallon. so do the math.
5. charcoal? i don't mess w/ canister filters. from my experience they create too many micro bubbles but that's just my opinion. they are good to run in a large tank.
6. he!! yes. you need a good heater. make sure not to get a glass one as they can shatter and fry your fish. you'll probably need atleast a 250w heater. temperature needs to remain between 78-82.
BTW - i'm sorry but i believe you should do a little more research before going nuts. read a book or two. otherwise you will waste a lot of money. do you know anything about 'CYCLING the tank'?


one more not take advise from the local fish shop or pet shop. find out for yourself before purchasing something. i've learned this from experience.


What are the power heads use for . I have the spray bar on my canister filter. should I switch it to the power head. :notsure:


Active Member
the tank needs waste from either live stock or the break down of "dead stock" to start the nitrogen cycle... use either damsels (no recomended for alot of reasons) or a cuple shrimp that you can get from you local grocer in the meat department/seafood department...
power heads are used for water flow and circulation... they are rated at GPH (gallon per hour) AKA Turns you should have 14 to 20 turns per hour for your tank...