New to Salt Water


New Member
Hey guys I am new to Salt water tanks have had all fresh water tanks in the past. But I am eager to start one. I have a 55 gallon tank and I have researched the web and books on what I need it is all to confusing and I dont understand most of it. Can anyone tell me in english what exactly I need for my tank I want to do a coral and fish tank. Does anybody sell basic starter kits that will have most of what I need or not.


Well, an in-advance welcome to the hobby. and a welcome to the boards. Tell us what exactly you need to know and we will reply. Oh, and also there wouldnt be any "basic" kits cause if you want to keep even soft corals you need power compact or VHO lights Or a lotta florescants (sp.)! :happyfish


another reason why there wouldnt be a starter kit , it wouldnt provide the live rock, live sand, aragalive what ever u want to use basicly SW is like FW and not to many things asre different. basic ly you could use a canister filter (what you probably used in FW) and use it in the SW tank the only extra thing if you want to keep coals and stuff like that is a protein skimmer.


Active Member
Hi, im new too, with a 55 gal,
here is how i started.
Cleaned tank, added water and salt. Checked to make sure right salitity. Added 60 lbs sand from lfs--seeded it with 7 lbs live sand bought from online auction. Then i added 30lbs base rock, and 20 lbs live rock. (have another ten lbs coming)
Added 2 power heads, a canister filter, heater, and raw shrimp.
Let cycle. mine only took about two and a half weeks..I checked allmy levels a few times
Now i have added a skimmer, and a small refuge, my cleanup crew. good Luck, hope this helps a little
Also, I have added a sattelite compact lighting system. its 265 watts, with moon lights.


There are two things that you HAVE to have to be successful in SW. Research and patience.
Coral requires a mature tank with really good water conditions and strong lighting. It is best to wait atleast 6 months, a year would be better before even trying corals to allow your tank to become mature enough.



Originally posted by Nemoette
My friend told me about this site and another ***********.com... and it had a toll free number to call when you got a question or something about you tank. Maybe you'll like it? Just a tip.

:eek: Whoa, red flag. The mods wont let you post competators sites, edit it out before the mods see! :scared: