New to saltwater, getting a 8g bio.


Also make sure that your rocks have a good anchor point as in the on picture it looks like it could tip if something trid to get into the creives.


Originally Posted by ViceVersa
I started the filter and it's up and running. Water was super cloudy earlier but now it's getting much better and clear.
What should I be expecting the next few days? Will I see green algae coming out from the live rocks or such like that?
The filter running is not the cycle. If the rock is cured then you will have to add an ammonia source. This can be some fish food or a raw cocktail shrimp from the grocery store. Please read about the nitrogen cycle. When the ammonia reaches 1ppm take the ammonia source out and let it cycle through. You will need a test kit for this.
Eight hours a day is good for lighting.


New Member
The rock is cured, because when I bought it.. on the display glass it says cured live rock.
What kind of fish food should I get? What do you recommend? Flakes? Pebbles?
Oh and lately I've been noticing different stuff coming out of my rocks. I've been seeing green stuff, and the other day I saw a centipede.

Oh, and I think I'm gonna purchase the test kit on wednesday because that's when I get paid.


New Member
Bump for answers!
What kind of fish food should I get for the cycle? I'm getting a test kit soon! Money's going low because I realize saltwater setup is no joke!


you should NOT get a fish for the cycle ! put a peice of raw shrimp and put it in to decay and start ur cycle. using a fish will most likly kill it, the amonia and nitrate damage its gills and burn off its slime coat, its pretty much animal abuse and ur LFS will tell you to buy one just to make money off of u cuz they no the chance of u having to buy another fish after the one u cycle with dies. the key to this hobby is patience, especially in the beginning. its very tough to look at a tank with nuthing in it for a few weeks but its the safest and most cost effective way.
good luck and take ur time
as to the rest of ur questions:
when you do get a fish feed it a varity of foods
lighting should be 8 hours a day
green stuff comming from rock-?? pic would help
centipede = bristleworm most likly, these are good to have in ur tank this is what they look like
theres lots of cool things that will come out of ur rock eventually keep an eye out


New Member
Today I got the saltwater test kit that tests for pH, nitrite/nitrate, ammonia, a thermometer, and a hydor flo that attaches to my filter to increase water flow.
Also rearranged my aquascaped around a bit, now the water is super cloudy.
Gonna wait till the weekend to get cocktail shrimp to add it to my tank to start cycling.