New to saltwater...have a few questions!


I'm starting off small due to money and time! Here is goes!
I have a 14g biocube wit stand. i'm using 20lbs of nature's ocean live aragonitesand, as well as natures ocean seawater. i have test kits on way. also will be using a 3g deco desktop tank as a QT/hospital tank. 16lbs of cured fiji liverock. my plans are as follows
1. setup everything ( sand, water, lr )
2. cycle
3. cleaning crew ( side note well a 30g cleaning crew package be ok in tank or am i going to have to feed a lil extra?)
4. add 1 goby or small angel ( which one would be the better choice?)
5. wait then add a pair of true percs
6. then add a bt about 6months after start if everything is stable
so if you'll can give me any pointers as to what i might be missing or needing i would be gratefully happy.
when last fish go in i'm turning the 3g deco into a breeding center for brine or copepods or clown fry!!
After about a year ( we all saw this, but usually sooner ) i plan on getting a bigger tank between 75-125g! bad part is i dont even have the tank on the stand let alone running and i'm already planning for a bigger one! geez thanks for letting people know how addictive this hobby is.. any chance is there a SW AA meeting anywere
?? lmao


Yes, this is a very addictive hobby. Expensive too. I can't believe how much I have all ready spent. The only advice I would offer would be to avoid the small angel as you put it. Even a small angel will grow pretty big for a 14g. You also may want to look into getting a small hob protein skimmer for some extra filtration. Wouldnt have to have it to start with but it will help keep your water a little more stable. Welcome to the boards.


Active Member
A single goby would be enough in a 14G. Adding a pair of clowns with him will overstock the tank. Even with just a pair of clowns would be suffice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
A single goby would be enough in a 14G. Adding a pair of clowns with him will overstock the tank. Even with just a pair of clowns would be suffice.
I have a pair of clowns in both my bio cubes and they have been fine , no overload .


thanks everyone like i said i'm getting ready in about 1.5 weeks i should have started the tank and i'll post pics then. yeah i really liked the pygmy angel ( cherub is another name it goes by)
but i'll wait a til i get a bigger tank. i figured that 3 fish plus cleaning crew would max me out on bioload. i looked into a nano skimmer but it wont fit my tank, i know it will work in the 29g biocube. i'm trying to have my tank setup to were everything is helping each other so that i keep my hands out of the tank! one other question my dad has a 55g hex that he offered me but i've read that fish dont really like tall tanks they prefer length, is this true?? thanks again to all!

keith burn

Active Member
bpaul1201 said:
i looked into a nano skimmer but it wont fit my tank, i know it will work in the 29g biocube. i'm trying to have my tank setup to were everything is helping each other so that i keep my hands out of the tank!
i know of a skimmer that will work in it (and it works good)
( i will give the link


I myself have a 60g hex tank and I love it. The same fish you have in the bio cube tanks will love the tallness of the hex tank. The only thing you really need to be careful about is if you are having corals. Need to have a stronger light so you can put things on the bottom. Otherwise have to get creative and have corals up further in the water. For fish I have 3 clowns, 4 green chromis and 1 yellow reef chromis.


ok thanks everyone. keith burn i'll be emailing you asap, about that skimmer. yea i think i'm going to pass on the hex tank though it is a good deal but i dont like it to much it only has a small opening on top not really easy to clean
. besides i have an empty wall that is begging for a 125!!


New Member
I have found that with many people who have dt's < 30 and are experencing bio overload never consider a large sump to increase water volume, a rubbermaid of 55+ gal will offset your bio load quite a bit and the best part... its cheap, diy overflow + generic rubbermaid container + return pump should only cost something like $60 to $80 total, considering that you only need the smallest of overflows and return pumps (1" OD = 600 gph, on a 30 gal tank your turning your water over 20 times an hour) let alone the large space lets you house much larger filtration couple that with 8 to 10 watts per TANK gallon and your ready for SPS


thanks i never did think of that!
i'm going to have to look into that for sure, at the very least it will help me learn
how to keep a sump! thanks again!!