New to Saltwater - Many Q's


New Member
I am looking to gather some helpful (cost efficent) information on starting a new saltwater tank and this looks like the place to be!! I heard that settin a tank up on a foam pad is recommended? Sounds useless to me, what do you think? Also, can i mix live sand and clean store bought (home depot) sand together to save $? How much live rock to base rock can I have in a 55 - 75 gallon tank?


From reading other posts I've come to the conclusion that 100% live sand is the way to go. Play Sand from the Depot has something in it that can be harmful to your aquarium.


I'm only about 3-4 weeks ahead of you... just started a 46 gallon bowfront.
46.5 lbs LR
40 lbs LS
Just added my two clowns and a sunrise dottyback.
Opus18's Tank :happyfish


First of all welcome to the forums

Now... lets get started...
You sure can use regular play sand for you tank... although it is a little more complicated than that... there are many sands as mentioned above that can't be used... this is due to high silicates in the sand... and this is harmful for your tank... there are a few brands out there that are good though... these are the play sands that are made by... yardright or aka old castle... most of these play sands are quite hard to find... but I do know as a fact that oldcastle is still around because I have found it...One way you can test if the sand is good or not is through a test called the vinegar test... take a handful of the sand and drop some vinegar on it... if it sizzles.. the sand is good!! ...
Next... you can also use some live rock and some base rock... that is how pretty much everyone does it... you can also look into making your own base rock... I also did this... if you check in the archives section you will see threads on diy rock :joy:
Okay now the concept of lr and ls.... Okay soo if you find a good brand of play sand that is useable all you need to do is put it in your tank along with some live rock and you will be on your way to ls! Yep thats right... thats all you need to do... see.. what ls and lr is ... is filled with live critters that are beneficial to your tank... the critters from your lr will eventually fill all of your lr and base rock as well as your sand... and with time it will all become alive!! Another thing that lr has that base rock does not is coralline algae... (make sure when choosing your lr it has lots of coralline and different colors) coralline algae is what makes the rocks look amazing in different shades of purples, pinks, blues,, etc... With the right parameters along with doses of calcium this stuff will spread all over all of your rock making it look amazing!
One last thing... if you are getting base rock and any other uncured rock make sure that you cure it before adding it into your tank... if you do a search you should be able to find how to cure uncured rock...
Happy Reefing!


Originally Posted by shiby1510
Another thing that lr has that base rock does not is coralline algae... (make sure when choosing your lr it has lots of coralline and different colors) coralline algae is what makes the rocks look amazing in different shades of purples, pinks, blues,, etc... With the right parameters along with doses of calcium this stuff will spread all over all of your rock making it look amazing!
shiby1510... Is there a way to help this algae along? So far, all I've got is that lovely brown diatome outbreak, which my LFS says there is a way to fix, some additive to reduce silicates? Curious where it could have come from as I used RO/DI water only...


You will want to maintain a calcium level of about 420 - 450 ppm... also try scraping rocks with coralline with a razor to help spread it.
As far as diatoms... this is common in all newly established tanks.. try a water change and also consider adding some more clean up crew... do not add any chemicals to get rid of things because they are always just temporary.


Currently I have zero cleanup crew type critters as the tank is still too new... kinda figure that would be the natural way to go...
Am doing my 1st water change Saturday... Amonia is .25, trites are 0, trates are 10, ph took a small header... guessing too much food going to the overflow...


dude... I hope your livestock survives....

Do a water change immediately!!
You shouldn't have any livestock in your tank yet... let alone you have many!! ugh!!


Did my first change this AM... PH looks good... Critters are all happy...
Did buy some Cerith snails (6 of them) and all they've seemed to want to do is dig into the sand and dissappear for some time. Then all of a sudden, they all pop up crawl around for a bit, then back under the sand... Is this a normal behaviour?


did some searching and it would appear that the lovely young lady that picked out the snails for me (and I honestly had no idea what they were to look like) grabbed me 6 Nassarius Snails. And they are performing precisely as they want to... I now have my set group of guys to deal with at the store... To which I'm heading back to after work...