New to saltwater: question on setup


New Member
Hello everyone,
I am new to the saltwater game and i just setup my 90g FOWLR tank. but nothing is in it right now and probably will be like that for a few months. I will probably just buy rocks for the next few months. however i do have a few questions regarding my sump and i was hoping someone can help me out. I have a predrill tank and i am running a 700GPH sump pump. However the water movement is a bit louder then what i would like ( since it is in my bedroom ). Any idea on how to lower the sound? I was thinking maybe making the two predrill holes for the sump and just have the return pipe somewhere else. no sure if that would help.
I also have a 8w UV that i dont really how the best way to run it. So any suggestions for on that would be great too!


As far as noise, you don't mention if it's from the overflow or return pump. A strip of airline tubing stuck down the overflow and tucked away helps stop the gurgling noise.