new to saltwater...


hello people im new and new to saltwater tank
i had a 55g frish water tank and now i want that to be saltwater
tank i brought some saltwater startup books and read but i still dont understan. Q. wich sand is good to use?
Q. type of testing kit to use ( good one )
Q. proten skimmer that willy wooks good?
Q and when is time to use the proten skimmer?
after 6 weeks or befor?
Q type of salt ?


Hello there i would choose one book and stick with it. And please use spell check the next you write. Check this out.


The pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutced at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are
tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the
rghit oedrer. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? So yuo
raed tihs wuothit mcuh porbelm, tpyos shohlud not be porbelma aynmroe.
Sheriff's Administration


First of all Welcome! :D
This is a great resource for troubleshooting all kinds of stuff.
Let me tell you right out of the gate to go with Metal Halide (MH) lights. They will give you all that you want in saltwater. I'm assuming you're going reef.
In My Opinion (IMO), I'd go with
Live sand instead of crushed coral
protein skimmer right out of the gate
buy the biggest tank you can afford. Whatever you do get, you'll wish you had bought something bigger!
Good luck!:happyfish



Originally posted by beautful
hello people im new and new to saltwater tank
i had a 55g frish water tank and now i want that to be saltwater
tank i brought some saltwater startup books and read but i still dont understan. Q. wich sand is good to use?
Q. type of testing kit to use ( good one )
Q. proten skimmer that willy wooks good?
Q and when is time to use the proten skimmer?
after 6 weeks or befor?
Q type of salt ?

hey smooth _9 i don't understan thing about what you saying:confused: im not from here and im trying learn much as possble sorry if you dont understan my Q post



Originally posted by H2OENGR
First of all Welcome! :D
This is a great resource for troubleshooting all kinds of stuff.
Let me tell you right out of the gate to go with Metal Halide (MH) lights. They will give you all that you want in saltwater. I'm assuming you're going reef.
In My Opinion (IMO), I'd go with
Live sand instead of crushed coral
protein skimmer right out of the gate
buy the biggest tank you can afford. Whatever you do get, you'll wish you had bought something bigger!
Good luck!:happyfish

i have 10g 30g 55g frish water tank im going to try 55g as saltwater reef and i just want to know the first stapes tomorrow im going to buy sand for my tank the fish store tell me i need at less 40 pond and he say i need a testing kit ........... i just want to ask since you guys have reef tank and you know what is best ideclare: first timer like me we may read books but we still don't know im asking help from you ........ because you been there
this is my old tank



Originally posted by H2OENGR
First of all Welcome! :D
This is a great resource for troubleshooting all kinds of stuff.
Let me tell you right out of the gate to go with Metal Halide (MH) lights. They will give you all that you want in saltwater. I'm assuming you're going reef.
In My Opinion (IMO), I'd go with
Live sand instead of crushed coral
protein skimmer right out of the gate
buy the biggest tank you can afford. Whatever you do get, you'll wish you had bought something bigger!
Good luck!:happyfish

i have 10g 30g 55g frish water tank im going to try 55g as saltwater reef and i just want to know the first stapes tomorrow im going to buy sand for my tank the fish store tell me i need at less 40 pond and he say i need a testing kit ........... i just want to ask since you guys have reef tank and you know what is best ideclare: first timer like me we may read books but we still don't know im asking help from you ........ because you been there
this is my old tank


Active Member
First of all welcome to the board.

Salifert test kits are what the majority of us use, get your self an Ammonia a NitrIte and a NitrAte kit. These will get you through the initial cycle.
With skimmers buy the best one you can afford Euroreef or a Remora are a decent choice, avoid SeaClones and Skilters. You do not need to run the skimmer untill the cycle is complete. (do a search for cycle on the board if you do not know what it is)
Instant Ocean is a popular brand of salt and would be a good choice.
We are all here to help one another dispite any language barriers, so keep asking questions if you require any more information.



Originally posted by GreatfullReefer
First of all welcome to the board.

Salifert test kits are what the majority of us use, get your self an Ammonia a NitrIte and a NitrAte kit. These will get you through the initial cycle.
With skimmers buy the best one you can afford Euroreef or a Remora are a decent choice, avoid SeaClones and Skilters. You do not need to run the skimmer untill the cycle is complete. (do a search for cycle on the board if you do not know what it is)
Instant Ocean is a popular brand of salt and would be a good choice.
We are all here to help one another dispite any language barriers, so keep asking questions if you require any more information.

thank you for being nice:yes:
one more Q: for the salt with you use liquid or salt it self?



Originally posted by smooth_9
Hello there i would choose one book and stick with it. And please use spell check the next you write. Check this out.


The pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutced at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are
tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the
rghit oedrer. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? So yuo
raed tihs wuothit mcuh porbelm, tpyos shohlud not be porbelma aynmroe.
Sheriff's Administration

i thought you was kid untill i open your profile
my understanding you are 33years old or you are not telling true about your ages please be nice to people who's trying to get imformation...i think that repost was very rude.........
today is my firstday and iam not happy with your respons


Active Member
The salt is in crystal form...just add the recommended amount to RO water and test with a refromactor try to get between 1.023 and 1.026


Active Member

Originally posted by smooth_9
Hello there i would choose one book and stick with it. And please use spell check the next you write. Check this out.


The pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutced at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are
tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the
rghit oedrer. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? So yuo
raed tihs wuothit mcuh porbelm, tpyos shohlud not be porbelma aynmroe.
Sheriff's Administration

interesting article and definitely not the first time i read it. however, it is not relevant and probably should nto have been addressed here. grammar and spelling as well as typing ability differs from one person to the next. i know for a fact my typing ability is not the best by far. and it kinda irks me to see others baching people especially newcomers for little things like this. it in no way at all even began to address the problem. and without geting religous(i will remove this entire thread if it goes that way) i want to say
let he who is without sin(or error) cast the first stone.


Active Member
welcome to the board and a great addiction.
anythign you need, feel free to ask and we will try to help. unfortunately i must appologize for the ignorance of some others here. as i understand it, you and a few other newcomers are confused as well as upset with responses from some people. let me assure you we are not all like that and most of us dont care to see flaming. we willnot stand for it! please accept our appologies and ask more as you need it.
now on to your questions:
salifert and fastest are decent kits. make sure you have a minimum of PH, alkalinity, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia. there are others you will want and should use alter but these are essential
55 gallon protien skimmer, what if you do not mind my asking is your price range? definitely get the best you can afford. remora(by aqua c) and euroreef are great as are tunzi. for a 55 gallon, a cpr bakpak would also be a decent choice and can be boughtn for about 150 or less.
i owuld not use the skimmer til after your cycle completes(could be 6 weeks, 2 days or 3 months.
instant ocean is a good choice, they ahve had a minor prob or 2 int he past, but have made them right. for the most part though they have been very true to us hobbyists. which can not be said for many others.
your target is as mentioned. i like 1.025 or more(up to 1.026)
ajnd premix your salt water, circulate and aerate it for a good 24 hrs before adding it to your tank, you do not want to add salt directly to the tank.
if you want a good book, which i do reccomend. look for
the new marine aquarium, by michael paletta.
it is accurate, inexpensive and very easy to follow. it is more easy to follow than one of those for dummies books that they make for almost everything. and is laid out much like a step by step guide, with steps right up through to your stocking selection process at the end



Originally posted by fshhub
welcome to the board and a great addiction.
anythign you need, feel free to ask and we will try to help. unfortunately i must appologize for the ignorance of some others here. as i understand it, you and a few other newcomers are confused as well as upset with responses from some people. let me assure you we are not all like that and most of us dont care to see flaming. we willnot stand for it! please accept our appologies and ask more as you need it.
now on to your questions:
salifert and fastest are decent kits. make sure you have a minimum of PH, alkalinity, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia. there are others you will want and should use alter but these are essential
55 gallon protien skimmer, what if you do not mind my asking is your price range? definitely get the best you can afford. remora(by aqua c) and euroreef are great as are tunzi. for a 55 gallon, a cpr bakpak would also be a decent choice and can be boughtn for about 150 or less.
i owuld not use the skimmer til after your cycle completes(could be 6 weeks, 2 days or 3 months.
instant ocean is a good choice, they ahve had a minor prob or 2 int he past, but have made them right. for the most part though they have been very true to us hobbyists. which can not be said for many others.
your target is as mentioned. i like 1.025 or more(up to 1.026)
ajnd premix your salt water, circulate and aerate it for a good 24 hrs before adding it to your tank, you do not want to add salt directly to the tank.
if you want a good book, which i do reccomend. look for
the new marine aquarium, by michael paletta.
it is accurate, inexpensive and very easy to follow. it is more easy to follow than one of those for dummies books that they make for almost everything. and is laid out much like a step by step guide, with steps right up through to your stocking selection process at the end

thank you.......oh i would like to print this out
so i can read later :yes:



Originally posted by oceanminded
fshhub you should clearly see that smoothound was doing that on purpose

Hi Oceanminded
i know smoothound was doing that on purpose but people that reciveing those reply will be upset they or i may not know complet english....... but just remamber people like me( from other contry) are trying to get some help.


Active Member
it was not done on purpose butcopied
as i mentioned, it is a point, yes but not necessary or even relevant.
my response was not to induce a debate. but if we would like to, i have been thru this one myself many times, bc of my typing ability more than anything. but we must remember that not everyone here has english as their first language too. and beign smart about things like this are un-appreciated by those on the recieving end.
i still realize where others come from there, but it is not necessary to be a wise guy. that is not why we are here. we are here to help each other and that would be helpful if this were a typing, english or gramma class. this is a hobbyists sharing site.
lets share ideas on thehobby not insults.