new to saltwater!


ivy, FYI: Clownfish don't need an anemone to survive. Most people start out with clowns in just a FOWLR tank and they live perfectly in those type of tanks.


ok lionfish12!!
Dude, i am getting suck of you always highjackin others threads!!
If you have something to say, start a freakin new thread!!
I am sorry for saying this here, but i have had it with you!
Half teh time you give advice, you dont even know what teh hell you are saying!


If you have something to say, start a freakin new thread!!
please dont give him ideas, he makes a new thread when his fish die (which happens often)


Active Member

Originally posted by ivy2dw7
Blue tangs are really small though, only 1". Would I be able to put the blue tang, clownfish, gramma and 3 stripe damsel together? And how would the cleaner shrimp do with that?

Keep in mind that the sizes on this site are the size at sale, not the full grown size. The Regal/Blue Hippo Tang's max size is 10-12 inches. Plan for sucess, plan for the full grown size of the fish you buy. Also note that the behavior of the fish can affect the size tank he needs as well as his size. Make a little research project out of each species you're thinking of, Google and a few hours should tell you if the species you're thinking of are going to be compatable with a 20 gallon tank. As a general rule for saltwater, you want one inch of fish per five gallons of tank. That gives you about 4 inches of fish. I'd recomend a pair of Percula Clownfish (full grown size 3") and the cleaner shrimp. Some snails and crabs would be interesting and useful too. Your snail and crab "cleanup crew" doesn't add much to the bioload, as they eat the stuff your fish miss so it doesn't rot. Add the PC lighting and some soft corals, perhaps some other interesting invertabrates.
Suggested Stock List:
20 Lbs High Quality Live Rock (May come with corals and interesting critters.)
Some random macroalgae and soft corals that suit your fancy
2 Percula Clownfish
10 snails (Your choice, mix and match. Astraea, Turbo, Cerith and Nassarius are popular cleaners.)
10 hermit crabs (Some say Scarlet Legs are better than blue legs, in either case provide empty snail shells to cut down on crabs snatching inhabited shells.)
Once your tank is mature:
If you have a big algae problem, get an Emerald Crab.
If you have lots of "pods" (little, tiny, white critters, a sign of a healthy tank) then you can try a proclain crab, in my opinion the most facinating reef critter.


I'm just kiddin ya...but seriously that would be a really sweet tank and when I was new I wanted to try to fit all those into a 5 gallon but thanks to this site found out that wouldn't work. Good luck with whatever you end up getting. -Greg


look...see the faces....that doctor is smart...he taught me lots of how to turn the light to check the water level.....the basics of a saltwater tank ya you guys better listen to him....jk im not taht stupid so peace out


consider at 12 gallon nano cube...its a little pricey but it comes with almost everything you need...great for a dorm might even fit on your desk if you do it right..