New to Saltwater


Hello People,
I'm new to saltwater so please go easy with me!
I have the following:
1) 29 gallon tank
2) 2 power head rated at 160 gal/per hour
3) 1 filter rated for 20/40 gal tank/ pulls in 200 gal per hour.
I put carribean sand and live rocks in the tank already. I washed the sand before putting it in the tank. It's been over 24 hours and the tank is still alittle cloudy. I'm guessing it will clear it soon. Once it clears up, what should be the next step?
I was told that a skimmer will be need, any recommendations?


I don't have a recommendation on a skimmer, but the next step would be to let the tank cycle, and test frequently for nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and ph. You may want to "feed fake fish" to make sure your tank has gone through a good cycle. The cycle will take about 3 to 6 weeks. You will know by testing it if it has cycled. At that point you can do your first water change.


yeah, I know, but that is the thing about saltwater, you'll learn that patience and research are the most important attributes. Sometimes it is really hard to fight impulses. Good luck.


The fact that you got LR will quicken your cycling process about as much as one can quicken it. You will at some point in the near future want to buy a protein skimmer, that is one of those, you get what you pay for items. But something is better than nothing. Do you currently have any test kits? If not you should buy ammonia, nitrate and nitrate. Those tests will let you know when your cycle is over.


Do you have a sump?? If not I (personally) like the Aqua C Remora Pro. Small, sleek, efficient, hang on tank model.
If you DO have a sump, lemme know and I'll post a link for ya.:)


New Member
I too, just recently got into saltwater. After reading on several forums for a month or so, I went with the AquaC Remora Pro that Tizzo mentioned for my 75 gallon. For a 29 gallon you could go with the AquaC Remora instead of the Pro and save some bucks. I've only had mine running for 3 days now so I can't really say yet how it is doing, but I can say it was easy to set up. Just hang it on the tank, plug in the pump and thats it. The only other skimmer I saw recommended very often for tanks without sumps was the CPR BakPak 2 's. They are supposed to work well for tanks that size and are cheaper. Almost every post I read without question on skimmers said to stay away from sea clones and prizms and don't waste your money. Good luck! :happy: