New To Saltwater.....


Active Member
Depends where you get it. You can't just put lava rock from the ground or the lumber yard in your tank. It has to be from your LFS.


Active Member
I am not a fan of it myself. I prefer to stick with calcareous rocks. Lava rocks may have negative impacts on the water down the road. For cheaper baserock alternatives to LR, I would stick with "holey" rock (limestone) or make your own stuff.


Active Member
LOL - there are different one's for every need and I visit quite a variety. I used to work at Aquarium World, however, so I always have some bias there.
I also go to Global Fish and Pets and City Pets (the only place I have found with $5 frags). Village tropical is good, sometimes visit Fish Ranch. Never been to Planet fish but will some day. Sometimes stop in to Aquatic World. We have NOOOOO shortage of LFS.
Are you familiar with the local reef club (if you are in Houston too?)... MARSH?