New to Seahorses


I have had a 75 gallon reef tank for 2 years. I am very interested in trying to set up a tank for seahorses. I have a 20 gallon tank. would this be big enough, and if so can anyone recomend hardy types, how many, and and other info I might need. such as live plants or fake, feeding. Thank you


Active Member
29 is usally the recomendation for 1-2 of the large species. you either have large or dwarf/pygmy.
i suggest (and mods this doesn't link to a competitive site so kiss my butt)
read all the articles there, after that i would still do some google'in
you can't really keep horses off of what you read off of this thread. wouldn't be near enough information. well..there could be..but it would take all of us a while to type it all up and to remember every single thing you should know.
i'm sure everyone here will post there experiences and the basics.
as for me, i've not had luck with keloggi and i have heard others havent either, so i suggest staying away from them. i've heard kuda and erectus and reidi are all three great beginner ones and hardy. but of course there isn't really a 'beginner' or 'hardy' seahorse....


Thanks for the info I will research on the sites youve told me about. any other info will be apprecated.


Active Member
i second the dont buy kellogi, they are a deeper wayter species and tend to perish after awhile. Stick with kuda, tigertail, erectus, or maybe reidi.