Hi: I glad I found you guys. I'm a little upset. I have an 80 gal saltwalter aquarium, fish only, and everything has been great.
I have a service come once a month to do maitnenace and last Friday they came and since then my Nasotang has stopped eating and my chemistries are messed up. Nitrite 0.2, PH 7.8, Amonia .50. I know the answer is to do a small water change, but that's when this all started. I've tried adding buffer to my stump and few teaspoon fulls but it hasn't worked.
I also understand sometimes doing nothing is the best for saltwater tanks.
I don't know what to do - do something or not??????
When does it really get to be a problem when is fish is not eating? Now long do I let my Naso go before it too late!!!!
I have a service come once a month to do maitnenace and last Friday they came and since then my Nasotang has stopped eating and my chemistries are messed up. Nitrite 0.2, PH 7.8, Amonia .50. I know the answer is to do a small water change, but that's when this all started. I've tried adding buffer to my stump and few teaspoon fulls but it hasn't worked.
I also understand sometimes doing nothing is the best for saltwater tanks.
I don't know what to do - do something or not??????
When does it really get to be a problem when is fish is not eating? Now long do I let my Naso go before it too late!!!!