I have been taking samples to my LFS. They have been helping me as well. The new tanks (29g) PH was low. I got some PH up. It is fine now. Had a little salinity problem with the 29 gallon I mixed this batch instead of buying it premixed. I did use RO though. It is starting the cycle now. I started the first week with a raw shrimp. It started to get this goo around it and I took it out. I did a partial water change with the 12 gal. It is doing very well. I am self employed and work from home, so I have the extra time to keep an eye on things. They are like my babies now! I will keep you posted. I forgot to write down my paramaters. I will invest in a complete salt test kit. I did get some test strips. I hear in this forum that some do not like them. But at least they give me some idea between trips to my LFS.