New To Sw Needing Starter Help ohio

crypt keeper

Active Member
I'd do the crates. Keeps it off the bottom glass. Lay your crates down then the base rock. Then fill it up with sand. I'd say about 3 inch sand bed Then let your imagination flow and build a cool looking aquascape. Caves, bridges, lots of hiding spots. The more the fish feel safe the more they will come out.
You put the rock in first in case you get a couple digging fish. You dont want to put down the sand then rock then have them dig and knock over your rock. It could break your glass kill the fish or others.
Id say get the crates and sand this weekend along with some base rock and maybe 15 to 25 pounds of liverock. Start that thing up. It will take a little while for it to cycle.


Active Member
Like crypt was alluding to, you want at least 1# of LR per gallon. Also, in regard to sand, there are a couple good threads in reef section about the amount. I have a 4" deep sand bed(DSB) to assist with the filtration process. What I have read here (I've only had the DSB) is that you want to be over 4" or less than 2". If it is over 2" but less than 4", the sand becomes a waste trap. If it is over 4", it can cycle the waste. I'm not 100% on if that is true or not, but it does seem to make some sense.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have not heard of that. It doesnt make any sense at all to me. Im not posting against it. Im going to have to learn myself up on that


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
well, you can always do like im doing, if you have the room, im using a pair of aquaclear 110 hang on the back powerfilters that im modifying into refugiums, they will work great with my 20 long, an they should be fine on your 50 as well, that solves the space issue lol, and then you can get a hang on the back skimmer, an go to town lol


Originally Posted by mantisman51
Live sand, as I understand, can be used to seed "dead sand". I was told by an old guy, here in town to buy 1/4 live sand and to buy playground sand for the rest and that the bacteria and bugs in the live sand would populate the whole sand bed. I will get reemed for saying I used playground sand (from Sutherl@nd home improvement), but it is 3/4 of my live sand. Some folks swear by coral sand. I just made sure to give a VERY hot bath to the sand and washed all the dust out in 5 gallon buckets. Live sand usually comes from the ocean directly. BTW the large mushrooms are about 4" in diameter and bright red with blue spots. The picture makes them look brown, but that's not even close.
Be carefull buying "Playground" sand. It could contain alot of silicates. Get some good ol Aragonite. It will also help as a buffer. Ask your LFS or a friend for a cup of live sand. I would not even worry about it the live rock will seed it.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/post/2916784
Here is one link: I'll try to find the one I was talking about some more. Another:
I didnt really see anything concrete on it on those threads. I have had a 3 inch sand bed in all my tanks, 4 total, and my water parameters have never been crazy. My Trites and trates always good to go. My current 90g tank is holding strong with a eel puffer and trigger. getting ready for anothee trigger. I will look into to this more just not sold on it.


Active Member
"Like crypt was alluding to, you want at least 1# of LR per gallon. Also, in regard to sand, there are a couple good threads in reef section about the amount. I have a 4" deep sand bed(DSB) to assist with the filtration process. What I have read here (I've only had the DSB) is that you want to be over 4" or less than 2". If it is over 2" but less than 4", the sand becomes a waste trap. If it is over 4", it can cycle the waste. I'm not 100% on if that is true or not, but it does seem to make some sense. " As I stated, I AM NOT SURE. There have been numerous threads along this vein. I am not married to the idea. I was putting it out there, as more experienced aquarists gave the info. I don't know either way.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Take it easy. I was just going off my own personal experience. i never shot the idea down. i just said i wasnt fully sold and would look into it more.


New Member
I Think I Am Going To Buy Live Rock Salt And Some Start Up Supplies This Week And Start Them Curing In My Garage
In 1 Ov The Threads For Newbies I Was Reading I Can Put An Air Bubbler In My Cure Tub For Water Movement Since I Do Not Have A Powerhead Yet And I Have A Bubble From My Old Fw Set Up

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MAYHEM_AUDIO
I Think I Am Going To Buy Live Rock Salt And Some Start Up Supplies This Week And Start Them Curing In My Garage
In 1 Ov The Threads For Newbies I Was Reading I Can Put An Air Bubbler In My Cure Tub For Water Movement Since I Do Not Have A Powerhead Yet And I Have A Bubble From My Old Fw Set Up
power heads are $20 to $40 and you will use it in your tank anyway. If you buy the rock slowly and add it as you cure it you wont feel like your wallet was killed


Originally Posted by MAYHEM_AUDIO
I Think I Am Going To Buy Live Rock Salt And Some Start Up Supplies This Week And Start Them Curing In My Garage
In 1 Ov The Threads For Newbies I Was Reading I Can Put An Air Bubbler In My Cure Tub For Water Movement Since I Do Not Have A Powerhead Yet And I Have A Bubble From My Old Fw Set Up

Welcome to! I would skip the bubbler and go straight for the powerhead. Years ago when I first started I attempted to use a bubbler to mix saltwater and ended up with all the salt still on the bottom of the bucket 1.5 days later. Its just not powerful enough to actually circulate the water. Circulation is especially important when curing live rock.
On a different angle, since there will be nothing in your main tank, curing the live rock in the tank itself will start the cycle. Ive never actually done that myself bc Ive always started a tank with pre-cured, so hopefully someone who has done it will chime in.

small triggers

Active Member
takes about a month or so,,, gives you time to plan your stocklist, buy other things, and prepare yourself for whats to come.


New Member
PLANS HAVE CHANGED A LITTLE STILL TO BE SALT WATER BUT I am low on funds so waiting a little long to get started i am going to use my canister fluvel 404 and get a pump and do a close loop i dont want a lot of power heads stuck all over the glass so i will have 3 or 4 diffrent points of water movement
new plans:
i am going to do a deep sand bed
and about 60-70lb of liver rock witch is 1.27-1.5 lbs per gal
closed loop system
think i am going to get a mh light
is 27.65 turn over per hour good or to much
if thats good i need a pump that will do 960 gph for my closed loop
any sugestions on pumps
i am also intrested in ideas and sugestions
prob going to get lr here on swf cause it is a good deal
who else has bought it off here i dont want to get if from the lfs cause it looks like crap
it is turd brown w/ no growth and they want 6.99 per lb
Originally Posted by deep_sea_denni
I dont know where you live in Ohio but if your in the Cleveland area you need to visit aquatic technology in Columbia Station. the biggest all saltwater store in Ohio.
Did you visit this store yet? Hint HINT. I drive 2+ hours to get there. We picked up a nice gray angel two weeks ago, unfortunately he didn't make it home, it was a long drive and very cold out. He did not acclimate well and once in the tank he passed in about an hour. They do have very very nice live rock.