New to SWF/A Few questions


New Member
Hello to All, The first thing I have to say is how impressed I am with this site. You all seem to be so knowledgable and really willing to help. We (me, hubby and 9 yr old daughter) have ventured into the world of SWF. We have a 29 gal Eclipse with a Maxi Jet 600 PH, We're in the market for a protein skimmer and it seems like everyone really thinks that the Aqua C Remora is "da bomb". I know you get what you pay for, but are there any alternatives that are a little less expensive? Whats the deal with the SeaClone 100? I have seen negative remarks concerning it but no real specifics on what the bad issues are with it.
As far as our fish family, we have about 40 pounds of live sand, 20 pounds of LR and 2 clownfish. It has been up and running since Jan 1, 2005. We added the clowns after about 3-4 weeks with consistant test/numbers for 2 weeks. The clowns have done well. After 2 weeks with only clowns, we added a Pajama Cardinal. She acted shy and lonely the whole time but I guess that is normal for a nocturnal fish. We never really saw her eat much. We had her for 2 weeks and she died. javascript
') No outward indication of disease or anything, just a slow death. Maybe it was an aclimation problem. That was 2 weeks ago. Right after, we got red slime and diatoms. I stupidly added tap water with a pH booster because it said use freshwater on the label. I now know better and won't be doing that again. Trying to figure out what to do about both issues.
We do a 5 gal water change once every 7 to 10 days. We need a clean up crew. I was thinking of some snails and maybe a cleaner shrimp before I add any more fish. What do you think? Any ideas as to what we should add next?
We love the tank and really hope to be successful at it. It seems a little daunting at times, like it's always something. But SW tanks are so beautiful, I hope we can make it work.
Thanks in advance for any help.


Welcome to the board.
I have always found the board to be very helpful, I hope you do as well :)
I have a seaclone 100. It's not very good. It pulls out more water the gunk. If you have $$$ go with the Aqua C Remora. I hear only great things about them. Besides if you go with good equipment it may save you an upgrade later. Say for example, you go with the seaclone and it doesn't work well for you and you need to get a better one that will cost more than if you had just gotten a really good one to begin with.
I speak from experience :) I got a $40 visi-jet and it never did work right so I got a seaclone 100 for $80 and it sill doesn't work well. That is already $120 and I still don't have a good skimmer. Not to mention that I think you can get the remora for under $200.
Cleaner shrimp are great. They can clean bacteria and stuff off your fish and keep them healthier.
I would use RO water if you can find it...they carry it at some wal-marts. Since you only do 5 gallon water changes it should be easy enough to transport and inexpensive.
I buy my RO for my 29 gallon from the LFS store...It is only 50 cents per gallon.


New Member
Jessica, Thanks for your reply. I see your point with the skimmer. it might be best to go ahead and get the Remora. It has just been such an investment already.:eek: I wish I could get RO for 50 cents a gallon. Every LFS I've been to in Atlanta has it for more than $1 gallon. It seems like we may end up buying a RO filter as well. We could have that item paid for in less than a year. And at this point, whats more money right???

Have you ever purchased fish on-line? Any recommendations? It seems really funny to buy fish through the mail. Their prices sure are better than our LFS. I'm finding that Atlanta is an expensive city for this hobby.
Thanks again, Joanne


Your most welcome.
Cost is a factor on my end also. But honestly I would have been better off getting better equipment. But my 29 is a test tank. I want to make sure I could take care of everything before getting a bigger tank. And it should be ready in about 2 months.
I just tried to make do with cheap stuff because it's not permant. The 75 will be done right.
Yeah a RO unit will pay for itself. I don't know what your water company charges but I called my water company and they told me that they only charge $1.92 per thousand gallons. That is less than the cost of 4 gallons in I have to buy it.
I am getting a Typhoon III 75GPD RO/DI from A lot of people on this site swear by the Typhoon III.
It is a 5 chamber unit (I think). And it has an auto shut off valve, flush valve, and tds meter. So all you would need would be the float kit and adaptor. I think the adaptor is like $7 and float kit is like $15.
I have never ordered online. I am paranoid. I don't have a quarantine tank so I have to think of the fish store as my QT. I try to pick fish that have been there for weeks and seem very active.
My LFS is kinda expensive but I think it is because they are not a chain. It is one guy that owns and runs the store. He is very knowledgeable. He is the only store in my area that isn't a chain and the only one that knows what he is talking about.
I am not saying that no one at chain stores knows what they are talking about just that no one working at the chain I have been to does. So I pay a little more to get my babies from someone I trust. But my equipment I get from where ever I can find the best price.
Try doing a search on this site with something like "ordering livestock" or "buying fish online" or something like that and it will bring back all the posts dealing with that subject. I know I have seen that topic mentioned on this board before.
Are you planning on a reef tank or fish only with live rock?


New Member
Right now we are doing a FOWLR but we want to add some feather dusters and other low light inverts, shrimp etc. Going slow with the process, too. Since it is a small tank, we can't go too crazy. That is a good idea about making your 29 gal a starter tank. I was thinking that we might get a 10 gal as a quarantine tank, but perhaps doing what your doing is a better idea.
In a quarantine tank, do you need a protein skimmer, power head, etc? The philosophy is to keep the two tanks identical so I guess you would need to mirror the items in both tanks, yes?
Thanks for the info on the RO/DI as well. My LFS is a small mom and pop as well. And being expensive kind of forces me to keep my spending in check!



Oh I wouldn't say what I am doing is better....just cheaper and saves room. I want a QT but my fiance refuses...I am still trying to talk him into it.
My opinion on "best" would be to watch the fish closely in the store and pick what appears healhiest and then QT. That is what I "want" to do but I can't so I have to think of the store as the QT.
If you go to "Diseae and Treatment" there is a post there about QT. It is the first or second in the list.



Originally posted by dani*s*mom
Whats the deal with the SeaClone 100? I have seen negative remarks concerning it but no real specifics on what the bad issues are with it.

In about 10 days mine skimmed nothing
. In the first 12 hours my AquaC Remora had already started to skim properly. I know this had been answered, but wanted to offer more feedback. Have you looked at the BakPak? Its a little cheaper than the Remora and supposed to be pretty good too.


New Member
Hi MBrands, Thanks for posting about the SeaClone 100. I appreciate all input. As far as the BakPak, I haven't read much about it. I will check into it and see. I have to get something soon though. Really have a vicious case of Diatoms and Red Slime. I just keep doing water changes and clean up every week and about 3 or 4 days later, there it is again. I have been told by LFS that a protein skimmer will really help.
Thanks for your thoughts.


the bakpak will be good for your tank size, but if there is any thoughts of upgrading to a bigger tank in the near future, you should go ahead with an aquaC. the aquaC is around $160 and the bakpak is $120, so about $40 difference. i used to have both, but now i have the remora and the remora pro because the bakpak was alright, but too much hassle with it. good luck