New To Swf Need Guidence

Originally Posted by Dischirm
Yeah, I have not waited and put a whole bunch of fish in at one time. I ended up losing all the money I paid for the fish with and having them die and having to once again by more fish. I know it is not what you want to hear, but saltwater fish are very sensitive and do very badly with any ammonia and nitrite (and high nitrates)
Be patient!
You will end up losing less money buying the fish seperately than having them die and having to replace them.
Also I wouldnt go for a brown or powder blue tang. Both are Extremely sensitive and require experienced aquarists. They will get sick and introduce ick into your system if stressed and them you have major problems.
Stick with Yellow or Purple.
ok so i took you guys advice i only purchased one fish today a niger trigger its in the DT and is eating lots of brine shrimp i will post pics soon


Active Member
You will want to get it off of brine shrimp and onto mysis shrimp soon , Also try offering it some squid and muscles . Brine shrimp is lacking in nutritional value .
Good choice on taking the slow road . Believe me you wont regret it .
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
You will want to get it off of brine shrimp and onto mysis shrimp soon , Also try offering it some squid and muscles . Brine shrimp is lacking in nutritional value .
Good choice on taking the slow road . Believe me you wont regret it .

thanks ill be sure to pick up some mysis tomorrow when i pick up my snowflake eel


Active Member
deliciouss - please tell me you are kidding!!!!!!!
A queen trigger is the meanest fish in our hobby. IMO it is the only fish that I know of that will require a 300g tank by itself.
Ask JMCCOWN...his is now 18" and is by itself in a 150 and is thrashing it. He is putting her in a 240 by herself.
A bluethroat is the only way to go.
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
deliciouss - please tell me you are kidding!!!!!!!
A queen trigger is the meanest fish in our hobby. IMO it is the only fish that I know of that will require a 300g tank by itself.
Ask JMCCOWN...his is now 18" and is by itself in a 150 and is thrashing it. He is putting her in a 240 by herself.
A bluethroat is the only way to go.
lol thanks cc i didnt know just though it looked cool thanks for the info!!


Active Member
yeah a queen is one of those fish that on the lotto list because It needs a huge tank and will eat you out of house and home .
ok so its a 100gallon plexyglass tank with:
-2- 250 watt heaters
-2- hang on filters (1 biowheel 1 aquaclear both rated for 75 gallons)
-1- canister filter (Odyssea CFS4 rated for up to 125 gallons)
-2- powerheads w/attachable filters (odyssea ex 250 and 550 total of 800GPH)
-1- seaclone 100 (hang on protein skimmer w/ maxi jet 1200)
will it work out for this tank or am i missing something? please let me know
thanks in advance
Originally Posted by chowtownreefer
just my 2cents but id save up for a better skimmer. i baught the seaclone 100 for my 60 gal and it sucks but just my advice
thanks for the advice ill save up just using this for now ill upgrade for sure as soon as i start putting more fishes in
i agree too!! but since it wont be a while till i add any fish in roughly 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ill just save up!! i will definetly get a better one before i add in my emperor angle. this should do me fine for now the niger is now eating a mix of mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and squid seems to be loving all of them
ill keep you guys updated on pics and anything new!!
does anybody know if this is a good skimmer? RED SEA PRIZM PRO DELUXE PROTEIN SKIMMER???


Active Member
The coralife super skimmer is a inexpensive skimmer that works well, from what I've heard. Some people have had bad experiences, but from what I can see that was from mistakes in assembling it. I don't know much about large aggressive tanks, but I thought I would just make sure your aware of this skimmer, it doesn't seem like to bad of one.
Originally Posted by yannifish
The coralife super skimmer is a inexpensive skimmer that works well, from what I've heard. Some people have had bad experiences, but from what I can see that was from mistakes in assembling it. I don't know much about large aggressive tanks, but I thought I would just make sure your aware of this skimmer, it doesn't seem like to bad of one.
any other suggestions on a skimmer? or is the RED SEA PRIZM PRO DELUXE PROTEIN SKIMMER a good skimmer for $170.00?
new stock list!!
- white mouth eel (already in tank)
- snow flake eel (already in tank)
- niger trigger (already in tank)
- blue throat trigger (which one male or female?
- fox face
- yellow tang
- sailfin tang
- stars stripe puffer
- domino damsel (already in tank)
eventually or maybe not, still thinking?

- emperor angel fish
- maybe another blue throat (the opposite s3x)
- Australian harliquin tusk
- 2 gold stripe maroon clowns (will they just end up food?
** question: the white mouth is about 3 times larger than the snowflake will it eat the SFE?
any suggestions or comments? help me pick my stock list