New To Swf Need Guidence


Active Member
You need to slow down and have patientce . Your gonna crash your tank adding that many fish at one time . You already are jumping the gun stocking it too soon . You need to give the tank time to set up and cycle properly . I'm not trying to be a jerk just trying to be honest and help you to achive the best results posible .
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
You need to slow down and have patientce . Your gonna crash your tank adding that many fish at one time . You already are jumping the gun stocking it too soon . You need to give the tank time to set up and cycle properly . I'm not trying to be a jerk just trying to be honest and help you to achive the best results posible .
im staying on top of things i constantly check my parameters. i dont plan on adding anything else for a while just need some opinions on the stock list
guys i recently came upon a sweet deal not thinking of the consequences:

- 100 blue hermit crabs
- 10 scarlet hermit crabs
- 30 nassarius snails
- 10 turbo snails
- 50 empty shells
all for = $ 86.00

how long would they last in the tank? is it a clean up crew that would work or is there no chance? let me know what you guys think thanks