New to the Agressive Fish Boards


Hey guys. I just wanted to introduce myself to this blog as I have been getting more serious with my saltwater tank. I have a 150 gallon fish only tank that is an aggressive setup. I have an Emperor angel, 2 triggers, 2 wrasses, 4 different damsels, green wolf eel, fox face, and a lavender tang. I want to learn as much as possible about my fish when I plan to change them out or just add a new species, I want to know how to have the highest success rate by learning from you guys that have already tried it out. I will also like to post replies on my own personal experience so that I can help the newbies that are just getting started.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards. What kind of triggers do you have? an emporer, and 2 triggers will grow to be a huge bio load, so a good protein skimmer would be in order if you do not have one. Good luck with the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Raccoon
Hey guys. I just wanted to introduce myself to this blog as I have been getting more serious with my saltwater tank. I have a 150 gallon fish only tank that is an aggressive setup. I have an Emperor angel, 2 triggers, 2 wrasses, 4 different damsels, green wolf eel, fox face, and a lavender tang. I want to learn as much as possible about my fish when I plan to change them out or just add a new species, I want to know how to have the highest success rate by learning from you guys that have already tried it out. I will also like to post replies on my own personal experience so that I can help the newbies that are just getting started.
Welcome Raccoon!
How long have you been in SWF? How big are your fish? Is your tank a 150 tall? What type of triggers do you have?
Look forward to sharing in your experience.


I have been in SWF for about 4 years. I used to have a 75 and a 150 but let my roommate keep the 75 with we moved out of the apt. I have an adult Emperor Angel which i have watched transform from a juvi. Now my triggers that you guys were asking about are a Rectangle and Undulated. I have had my Rectangle trigger since i bought my 150g a few years ago and hes doing great! The undulated i got from and has been health from day 1. He is a little shy sometimes but seems to get along with almost everyone. I know they say he should be in a tank by himself but none of my other fish have battle wounds from him. I also have a GREAT protein skimmer so my water quality is up to par.
My little 3 strip damsel seems to think hes as big as a horse because he has been trying to attack my when i was rearranging the rocks that fell yesterday.


Active Member
sounds like you have a good handle on it already
Just keep a close eye on the undy as he grows, personally I would not trust one over 4" with tank mates


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
sounds like you have a good handle on it already
Just keep a close eye on the undy as he grows, personally I would not trust one over 4" with tank mates

I agree 100%, they are "snappers", they can be great for months and months, and then snap and decide they want the tank to themselves and do it in short order....Great fish though.