New to the game...Intial Tank Setup Question


New Member
i guess what im saying is i have read a TON of stuff about how to set the tank up (inside) acclamations fish reef and stuff like that but i cant find info on the actual plumbing of the bad-boy


Depending on the size of the holes they are most likly both overflows. Run them as overflows seperatly into the sump. Get the hangon returns. Just keep in mind that something around 1.5" will give you about 1200gph. I know this plumbing stuff is kinda hard to figure out I'm going through kinda the same thing right now. Google overflow rate calculator to get some idea of flow capacities. Even if they are both around 1.5" or greater you can always put in ball valves to restrict flow to what you want/need. Hope this is helpful!


Active Member
+1 I would use them for overflows. Put a 90 elbow with a pipe to set the water hight. Use a bio ball on the top of the pipe so no fish can get in there. Then just plumb the return. I like the spreader bar on the bottom. Or like I did it with a spreader bar on the bottom and some nozzles. You can check out my thread thanks to swf members to get an idea.


New Member
so let me see if i have got this right.
Both drilled holes at the top overflow into the 1st holding sell of the sump,
(here is my sump wet dry trickle)

now the second chamber is where the water is pumped back into the tank correct?
If this is correct i have 2 other questions. FIRST would i be needing to plumb another pipe straight up from the sump, up over the lid of the tank as a return?
and second with this set up where do i put the protein skimmer?
also what do i want in the return in gph? Someone had told me i want alot of water moving all the time... is this also correct?
I keep forgetting to get pics of the holes. sorry, they are both the same size (about golf ball size.)


Active Member
Yes that is right the part with the bio ball is the overflow from the dt then the return pump. As far as flow I would look into a mag 7 or mag 9.5 for the return and get some power heads for the dt. How many gallons is the tank. Are you going to have coral or just fish and live rock. For coral you want a 30 times turn over rate. For fish only I would go about 15 times


Get me a measurement of the holes and I will find your flow needed. yes the water empties into the first chamber. What kind of return pump do you have? What is its flow rating? You will have to measure the height of your tank to figure out head pressure or should I say loss.
What kind of skimmer do you have? Is it a HOB style or an in sump? If its a hob and you dont mind the look put it on the back of the tank. If its an in sump it will have to go in the 2nd compartment of your sump/wetdry.
Do you have a refugium? Or is the last pic you posted the only equipment for under the tank? Also if you have it post a pic of all your filtration and return equipment im not so good on name brands.


New Member
when i get home tonight i will post measurements and pics of what you asking.
the skimmer is an HOB
and that is all i have to go under the tank right now (ive still got things to buy.
Here is the other question. And i want both a personal and a professional opinion.
The wet dry system i have is made for 125 gallon tanks (the guy who had it used it with a 125 gallon reef tank.)
My tank is a 150 gallon FOWLR tank.
Now is this a HUGE issue that i need to address? I plan on only having about 3 fish total at any given time. The only reason i didn't buy a wet dry that would support 150 is because the guy told me if i wasn't really looking to getting into reef and if i wasn't going to have that many fish (he said no more then 5 really) i didn't NEED the 150 wet dry just yet.
the pump is 600 gph


600 gph wont be enough flow for return. Unless you put a ball valve on your overflow pipe and use the other as your return, which will work just fine for fish only. You could put the skimmer on the sump too so your tank back will be nice and clean. You need to know if the pump is 600 gph at 0 feet. If it is its not going to be enough like I said 1.5" is about 1200gph. pumps loose a lot of head pressure ( the amount of force) as the tank height goes up. At the top of the tank I guess its going to be about 125gph or less. With that little flow you will have issues even in fish only. Also trying to match the out with the in will be impossible.
I would guess the wet dry will be ok. I'm not a professional by any means. Get the measurements later and I will look the flow up for you.


New Member
robertmathern this is a 150 gallon tank.
ok i was way off apparently i should judge size by what i see anymore hah! the tanks is
35 inches Long
30 inches tall (deep)
and 25 inches wide.
(i was way off on my first "rough guess")
So here is a bunch of pictures hopefully some that will help you guys help me!
So here is the tank in full standing
and some of the drilled pipes in the back
there seems to be a female and a male end.
The female end basically has no more pip other then an elbow, the male end however goes down the tank a bit.



I would say as you look at it use the left as your overflow and the right as return. What is the diameter of the "overflow"?


Ok then I've given you how much flow comming out of the tank approx 1200gph. Put a ball valve on your down pipe to help limit flow. As Robert suggested get a mag 7 or 9 or an equivalent return pump. Mag pumps tend to need a lot of upkeep ie cleaning or they overheat and burn out. Tunze tends to make really good pumps but are very expensive. Quiet ones are good. Do a search on return pumps here and read up. There is alot of good advice on this site! Hope i have helped keep us informed.
Ohh yea dont forget to update with photos alot

salty blues

Active Member
IMO some kind of skimmer/strainer box will be needed on the overflow inside of the tank or else water level issues could occur.


Originally Posted by salty blues
IMO some kind of skimmer/strainer box will be needed on the overflow inside of the tank or else water level issues could occur.
Yes you should us an overflow box on the down pipe. Or a pipe with a strainer on it would work too. With where the down pipe is located I dont think you will have any water level issuses. unless you cant match the return amount. But def needs some sort of elbow and straining device.


New Member
thanks again for all the awesome help, i will absolutely update with pics once i get this bad boy up and running. however im sure ill have a few questions before that.
Just purchased a mag 9.5 (the 7 wasn't really much of an upgrade from the pump i currently have.)
this will be fun :) thanks again guys!