New to the hobby. (Tank Pics)


New Member
Here is my 55 gal tank. It is still cycling at the moment. It has:
-10lbs of live rock
-20lbs of lace rock
-Rena Filstar xP2
-250w heater
-2 Rio 50 powerheads to keep the surface moving
-1 Rio 180 powerhead
-1 Rio 400 powerhead
-5 Blue legged crabs
How long does a cycle usually last? Any Suggestions please let me know.


New Member
Length of the cycle will vary, but I would say you are looking at 4-6 weeks. My take has been up and running for about 1 month and I am just about ready to add fish. How long has your tank been running? What are your water test readings?

nemo's mom

Get some Damsel fish and they will help speed up your cycle. Be sure to trade them for another fish as they will be aggressive if you try to add anything else


Active Member
Although Damsels will start a cycle, it is better to use raw shrimp to start a cycle... And most of the time an LFS will not take them back for trade or credit, because these fish are a dime a dozen and get to be very aggressive... length of cycle does vary, test for amonia, nitrIte, nitrAte and pH... once amonia and nitrIte are undetectable and the presence of nitrAte is then your tank has gone through the cycle...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltH2OGuy
Here is my 55 gal tank. It is still cycling at the moment. It has:
-10lbs of live rock
-20lbs of lace rock
-Rena Filstar xP2
-250w heater
-2 Rio 50 powerheads to keep the surface moving
-1 Rio 180 powerhead
-1 Rio 400 powerhead
-5 Blue legged crabs
How long does a cycle usually last? Any Suggestions please let me know.
Was there suppose to be pictures?