new to the saltwater scene


New Member
Hey im pretty new to the saltwater scene...i have had a freshwater tank running for about 2 years. i have been researching and thinking about the move to saltwater tanks for about a year now. I live out in hawaii and was wondering if i can dive and get live rock and sand right from the ocean? i have a small 10 gallon tank running now with some basic equipment and salt water in it but no living things yet...was just seeing the process and all..but i am planning on buying a fairly large tank this summer. probably 120 gallons..just also wondering what equipment is necessary at a good price..( i know it is an expensive hobby but haha a little shopping never hurt) and any advice you guys have for me would be fantastic...thanks alot and looking forward to posting soon..


Active Member
I don't know what pollution is like there, but if it's not a problem, you should be able to do it. but you also have to check with laws concerning collection of stuff from the ocean. even rock is a no-no in many places.


umm. a good starting bool is.. the conscientious marine aquarist.. also these boards are a great source of info... check the archives and such for valuable info!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ckline
if i can dive and get live rock and sand right from the ocean?
Pontius answered this one pretty well.
Originally Posted by ckline
i have a small 10 gallon tank running now with some basic equipment and salt water in it but no living things yet...was just seeing the process and all
Well, as long as there is a heater, a filter, and a powerhead, you could always use this tank to cure rock when you set up the larger tank. You could also use it for a quarantine tank when you begin to purchase fish.
Originally Posted by ckline

but i am planning on buying a fairly large tank this summer. probably 120 gallons..just also wondering what equipment is necessary at a good price..( i know it is an expensive hobby but haha a little shopping never hurt) and any advice you guys have for me would be fantastic...thanks alot and looking forward to posting soon..
The first thing I would tell you is to get The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner. That book is a must have for anyone serious about this hobby.
Next, as far as equipment you will need, I would say start shopping for:
-Reef-Ready tank so that it is pre-drilled for you
-a sump or wet/dry filter
-a protein skimmer (ETSS, Corallife, Deltec, EuroReef, ASM)
-powerheads (I would recommend AquaClear or MaxiJet)
-a lot of live rock (usually a pound per gallon is the minimum)
-refugiums are not neccessary, but always very beneficial.
-high powered lights if you plan to house corals and anemones
-test kits (Salifert are the best)
Any more questions, feel free to ask us!


New Member
thanks alot you guys have been great help..ill let you know if i have any more questions...