new to the site and need some help


I have a 55 gal. tank that I started about a year ago and have 1 sailfin tang(fairly big) 2 clowns,1 pink shrimp gobby,1 small(but mean dottyback that I cant catch) 1coral beauty,1 purple and 1 red starfish,1 peppermint shrimp,hermit crabs,snails,2 emerald green crabs and several corals and live rock. My question is I just bought a flame scallop and the guy told me it would be fine it may hide though. I then read in a book that they die of starvation often and can take the whole tank with them when they die! Can anyone shed some light on this for me? I don't want to risk it if this is true for a $9 scallop!:confused:


New Member
I had to remove 50 lbs of live rock to dig two dead ones out. I Could not keep them alive even feeding them DT's.