New to the site, sharing some pics!


New Member
Originally Posted by gudies
My 150 Gallon, Still have lots of room.
A few more of some of the things in the tank!



Active Member
well let me be the first to say welcome to the boards, your tank looks very nice. You certainly have a lot of halimedia growing in there. What are your plans for your tank, mixed reef, softies, sps? You have a lot of room to put things in there as you said, let us know how it progresses...


Active Member
Wahooo Give it up for another NV to the boards!!!
And they have Gonis. Halamidia(s) Breaking all the rules. lol
And of course the ultimate rule, a glass box full of wet rocks in the middle of the Desert.
Welcome aboard. Beautiful tank.


New Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Wahooo Give it up for another NV to the boards!!!
And they have Gonis. Halamidia(s) Breaking all the rules. lol
And of course the ultimate rule, a glass box full of wet rocks in the middle of the Desert.
Welcome aboard. Beautiful tank.

Thanks, Do you see something in my tank I need to address? I have really only used books and online resources to do this. any input would be appreciated. I had many more corals and fish about a year ago but I went out of town and my husband decided to "help" I came home to just about everything dead or dying, still have not figured out what he did. He doesn't help with the tanks any more (I have three other reefs going also)
I have a tube anamone and a few fish arriving tomorrow from SWF. I have a fish only started and the anemone will be going in another tank .


Active Member
See something to address? This whole hobby is to each thier own. I wouldnt tell you how to run your own show.
With that said the only personal thoughts are-
1- with so much halimidia, they are Calcium hogs and freeloaders in my book. small crop is fine but they generally do more harm than good when in large amounts in a DT.
2-Tubes get enormous and they are known to eat fish. In larger tanks they can exist without taking too much swimming room from the rest, but theres always the risk of feeding them an expensive lunch if something gets too close.
3- you say three other reefs. well we love pictures. Theres a few others on the board from Southern NV so it should be easy to make some friends for local trading.
tank looks great.


Active Member
Welcome to the board, and very nice looking tank. Excuse my ignorance, but what is halimidia? Is that the green plant growing?

Anywho, post pics of your other tanks as well, as stated before, we LOVE pics.
Lisa :happyfish