New To This all


Thanks again for all the information. I'm going to go ahead and get the AquaC Remora. I want to do some more research on the soft/hard corals before I make a final lighting decision.
However I'm hoping with the live rock and skimmer that I'll be OK as far as filtration goes. But I suppose only time will tell..


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I disagree.. but Acrylic is right, there are a lot of different opinions.
Don't forget, however, that technically a good skimmer IS A MECHANICAL filter. Any no one will tell you to go with live rock and not go with a skimmer.
My 210 runs with only a skimmer. I followed the rules, however when setting up the tank. My rock is off the glass and I have serious water movement throughout the entire tank.

That's my point've done your homework and you've worked out the details....with the small amount of info given earlier a newer person might jump and go that what not asking more info.......Again your system has more water and the tank is also more forgiving than his size system as well.....And you hit a key point:::: "skimmer" a good skimmer


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
hey, I am sorry to break your heart but in ten years when you look back and think "I could have bought a small weekend home with what I spent on my tanks" remember that statement about holding off on the lights lol
That is sadly just sooo true. One of my college students was asking about setting up a tank like mine and asked how much i had into it.... I sat down and did the math and almost started crying... Then I ordered a $400 skimmer and a $400 acrylic tank for a sump for the new and improved set up I'm working on.... Oh, and it's time to order 4 new bulbs for my 250wt HQI's...


Just an update for everyone who is still interested. I didn't want it to seem like I just used you once for info and then took off :p.
The Remora Skimmer arrived today (along with someone elses package, honestly FedEx is trying my patience of late) and is now up and running. How long usually does it take for bubbles to begin to make their way up into the collection cup? I don't need to do any adjusting with the white screw that is attatched to the Skimmer right? That's just for cleaning, or so I read. Also, did I need to attatch the "air injector" that came with the actual pump? Or is that just for something else.
I also went ahead and arranged the LR into a more pleasing pattern (still not sure if I like it). The two powerheads (both rated for a 50 gallon) should arrive tomorrow and the T5 lighting and automatic power strip should arrive on friday. I don't even want to look at my bank account right now lol, im afraid I might be out of money.
Do I really need both of those powerheads? It seems like my tank is getting smaller and smaller with all the stuff im putting in there. Any suggestions would be helpful.
I'll take a picture when the lighting shows up on friday, right now it looks horrible when I take pictures. So bad that I don't want to show you the pictures lol.
Edit: Also, what kinda of covering/seperator do you all have between your tank top and your lighting?


New Member
I'm coming a little late for the party to be of much help, but here is my experience.
I have a 45 gal with 192 pc lighting, no sump, a whisper powerfilter, two powersweep powerheads for movement, a skimmer, about 60 lbs of LR and 2 inches of sand/crushed coral. I have a rose bt anemone I placed in the tank 4 years ago (after the tank was established for several years) that has thrived.
I have a single blue stripe clown and a mandarinfish. Thats it. My experience is that you can run a tank with pretty minimal extras, but you may not be able to stock it heavily. At least I can't.
I feed my anemone daily when I feed me fish. I either feed 1 cube of thawed mysis, krill, or 1 tspn of sweetwater zooplankton from a jar. I take a turkey baster, suck up the food and squirt it directly at the anemone. It grabs what it can and the rest circulates in my tank for the two fish to take. Occaisionally I'll feed it pieces of thawed frozen shrimp.
So for my bt anemone, the 192 watts of pc lighting are fine. It may not work for you if you don't feed as much or your anemone was used to really bright lighting. If you go for one that is 'tank raised' from a split, it may be hardier.
Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScottGHS
Thanks again for all the information. I'm going to go ahead and get the AquaC Remora. I want to do some more research on the soft/hard corals before I make a final lighting decision.
However I'm hoping with the live rock and skimmer that I'll be OK as far as filtration goes. But I suppose only time will tell..
I find it nice to have a filter for times when the water is cloudy from water changes and movement of rock that clouds the water up. I frequently use my PHs to blow crap off coral and things and I have a cheap hang on on all of my tanks that I only run when I need to. It serves little bio reason, just collects free crap when needed.
My 1 cent