I'm coming a little late for the party to be of much help, but here is my experience.
I have a 45 gal with 192 pc lighting, no sump, a whisper powerfilter, two powersweep powerheads for movement, a skimmer, about 60 lbs of LR and 2 inches of sand/crushed coral. I have a rose bt anemone I placed in the tank 4 years ago (after the tank was established for several years) that has thrived.
I have a single blue stripe clown and a mandarinfish. Thats it. My experience is that you can run a tank with pretty minimal extras, but you may not be able to stock it heavily. At least I can't.
I feed my anemone daily when I feed me fish. I either feed 1 cube of thawed mysis, krill, or 1 tspn of sweetwater zooplankton from a jar. I take a turkey baster, suck up the food and squirt it directly at the anemone. It grabs what it can and the rest circulates in my tank for the two fish to take. Occaisionally I'll feed it pieces of thawed frozen shrimp.
So for my bt anemone, the 192 watts of pc lighting are fine. It may not work for you if you don't feed as much or your anemone was used to really bright lighting. If you go for one that is 'tank raised' from a split, it may be hardier.
Good luck!