New toadstool, now what?


I purchased a toadstool today. According to the guy at lfs, I'm just supposed to put the base on a rock in my tank, but when I got home I noticed it's got basically a small chunk of rock the same size as it's base that it's already attached to. I don't really have any good spots in my rock to put it in where it will stay put when I turn on the powerhead again. Is it going to attach to one of my rocks or am I going to have to figure out a spot where I can put it and it's base by maybe rubber banding it or something?


Staff member
It will take time to attach, thus you will need to secure it with a bit of superglue, cable ties, or you try ancoring it in between other rocks [as long as rocks are not rubbing against the smooth body stalk.


I've seen other mentions of using super glue. Having never done it before, it wouldn't seem that it would work using it in water. So here's the dumb question. do you just put the glue on the small rock base that the toadstool is and then stick it back in the water and it will still stick to whatever bigger rock I want to place it at?
ps. I just found my urchin climbing on the toadstool. Hope it hasn't caused any harm. That little bugger is going back to the lfs. I still think he was somehow related to the death of my hairy finger leather a couple months ago.