new tomato clown?


I got a new tomato clown fish today it is the first fish in my tank. I put him in and he went behind the rocks and didn't come out. And now that the lights are off he is up in the corner of the tank next to the siphon box staying close to the surface. Is this normal for his first day in the tank or might there be something wrong with him. He was very healthy at the lfs and ate well before I bought him. I just hope he's not in shock or something.


Active Member
Don't worry it is normal. Give it a couple days to get used to its new home. Also, a lot of clowns like to live up near the filters in a tank (waterflow maybe feels good). I have them and some like to sleep up in that area others sleep behind rocks down below so go figure. I have found the first 3 days are the trying ones for the fish and the hobbiest. In my case if the fish does not get sick within 3 days the odds are it will be fine (don't get me wrong most do not get sick but those that do always seem to be within 3 days).


Active Member
I'm going to go out on a limb and agree with the shark. lol :rolleyes:
If the clown isn't eating after 3 days you may have trouble, but for now you're fine. It would also be nice to know if it was a tank raised clown or captive caught. The ones hatched in captivity seem to do better and are less prone to deseases. HTH
Take care,
Dan'l :D


I would tend to agree with one exception...
If this behavior continues he may be deprived of oxygen. It would be a good time to check your surface movement. Since he is already stressed oxygen deprivation will effect him sooner.
IMO Darryl


Staff member
Clowns love to sleep face up toward the surface of the water lodged against filters and powerheads. This behavior may never change with your clown. I have a clown that sleeps on its side on the tank floor! You'ld swear she was dead!
However, since this is a new fish, shock could well be a problem. Clowns fare better in established tanks, and your's, I'm assuming since you say this is your first fish in the tank, is a new tank.
Check water readings. Ammonia and nitrite should read zero. Anything other than that will certainly stress and kill a clownfish. If your water quality is fine, then check the fish's respiration rate out. If he's breathing normally, than I'd say give him a bit of time to settle in.