New torch coral not doing well


I just got a torch coral which has 5 heads on it... 3 are open and doing great but 2 havent opened and show some tissue loss around the base of the head. Can anyone give me some advice... this is a nano tank and I dont want it to crash on me due to the coral rotting.


Active Member
Sometimes too much flow, sometimes just the relocation especially if the coral has been bumped or handled in that spot.


Active Member
the tank wont crash if the coral heads melt. do you have any clean up crew? shrimp usually pick dying coral heads clean



it is in a high flow area... I moved it from a med flow area cause it wasnt opening... maybe i will put it in a low flow


yea it was at the LFS... its a great shop but I got it right outta the bag on shipment day. He didnt even add it into his system.


Active Member
I don't see any brown jelly so that is a great sign. Right after the lights go out my torch will recede and look just like that.


the two heads you see closed there completely melted overnight but the other 2 seem just fine... now I got a high no3 level the test strip reads 80... more water changes after work
I cant do it now I hope everything else lives till then


Active Member
sometimes heads just dont handle the stresses well. i am willing to bet the others will remain perfectly fine, and you can just chalk it up to stresses of travel...


Active Member
Sorry to hear about that. Like it was said above the other heads should be fine. On a side note, get rid of the test strips and get some liquid test kits such as salifert. They are much more accurate.