New Tusk


Ive just gotten a long awaited harlequin tusk. He is about 3-4 inches, and kinda acts weird, like he chills out in weird places. He will lay down in a corner or on the ground, and look around, and then start swimming in a little whiel. Is this normal behavior? Its not like hs tired or sick, its just like...lazyness. He has been exploring, has found his own little cave to chill in, pokes his head out every now and then. His eyes are great, a deep red. Im trying to get him to eat mysid shrimp, but for now itll haveta be krill. I know Squidd used to have one. Wat did he feed it, did he ever say? Well, here are some pics...


Active Member
awsome fish! Check your e-mail. Im getting a tusk for my 125 now b/c your is awsome. Im getting a little 2-3'' one. E-mai lme some pictures of all your fish. ( some new pictures ) PLus A tank shot and some of yuor lion and tusk. My mom wants to see them.


Theyre all on the forums, u just gotta look. Ive posted TONS of pics, they should be easy enough to find...


great looking fish! just out of curiosity how big would on eof them grow? minimum tank size? i know i can't get one now but maybe for my next tank.


Theyre footlongers in the long run, which need lots of space to swim. I wouldnt put one in anything less than a 120-125 gallon, just cuz they are wrasse (big swimmers) and they do get quite enormous.


Active Member
awsome. Do you think your lion will eat him? If i get one im putting him in with a rusle lion b/c they dont get as big and he wont eat a $100 fish. :D


Tusks are wierd at first. I think mine went 4 days before it even ate anything. It was so timid. Every morning I'd go downstairs I'd think it was dead because the way it lays in the corner of the tank. It's come around now and is really aggressive when eating. Still likes to hide though.
BTW...Nice fish


First, Congrats on your tusk, looks like a nice specimen.
I've had the privelege of owning a tusk for a few years and they are truly one of my favs.


Yea, i said that too. He just lays around, and its been a few days too. He also has succumbed to a small case of ich. He hasnt eaten yet, but I hope he will. If not, then... And Andrew, a lionfish cannot and will not eat a wrasse, cuz first of all they are way too fast, and second of all, the tusks body is almost as big as the lions. U have it in ye mind that a lion can kill anything, but it cannot. They can only kill wat they can swallow, and nothing more than that, and they can only swallow, at the most, a large damsel, let alone a moorish idol... different thread. Anyway, guys, wat did u feed yer tusks? Id really like to know so I can get it for him right away. Thanx a bunch, and Ill check back later.


Active Member
Actually, a (full grown) Lion Fish CAN swallow a wrasse...Mine ate my 4 1/2 Dragon Wrasse and the silverside sticking out of it's mouth...Somewhere up to 1/3 their own body size is a potential "meal"
As far as feeding, mine ate flake (Prime Reef), Krill, Squid, Shrimp and fish flesh all cut in "eatable" sizes...
Varity being the key to healthy fish, in general...and getting them to eat, in particular...
Oh Yeah...They CAN be "jumpers" as I found out the "hard way"....So you may want to look into eggcrate, glass or some type of tank cover...