New update of 30g cube


Active Member
Seriously? You actually have a coral/mantis shrimp tank? Dude, that is so cool! How long have you had the set up. And is it safe to say that you will NOT ask about what fish you can keep? lol!


Active Member
I'm guessing nothing as they would probably become a quick meal for the mantis, unless of course you keep him very well fed.


yea i love the shrimp and like that i can have coral too, fish are too boring once u see this guy.
i usually feed him frozen krill and will some times see him eating a snail.
i had a blue damsel fish in there for about a week and a half and then one morning i woke up with it being in my shrimps mouth :D
I dont really need a clean up crew, before the mantis i had like 6 blue legs and probly 10 astrea snails, i suppose they keep the rocks clean.
i could also restock on clean up crew because i work at the LFS