New user looking to setup first salt water Aquarium


Originally Posted by Kacey
Re: seahorses in the sump, from what I understand, a lot of seahorses need a weaker water flow than is appropriate for a marine tank. Most also require lower temperatures and some even prefer a slightly different salinity. For these reasons, keeping one in the sump may still be asking for trouble, I'm not sure.

No seahorses in a sump period. They need height more then width so a hex tank would be the most ideal setup not a sump. There are more differences then what you may realize and Kacey hit on a couple topics such as temp, salinity, water movement etc...species specifc tank only period!


New Member
The tank has never been treated with Copper that im 100% sure of. I bought the tank setup myself sometime ago. I would like to have a Fish only tank so maybe going with fish + Fake Items in the Tank + Sand.
If im going with a Fish only Tank what kind of Lighting should I be looking for? also thanks foe the Tip on the Book. im going to pick it up asap. I do know that my knowledge is not up to Par as of yet and I am willing to spend the money and im willing to learn.
I know alot of info has been thrown out and believe me my head is not spinning. im taking Soaking everything up. All information is usefull and im sure will help me now or down the road.
Im going to be heading to a LFS today not the one my friend went to but a different place to find some of these items i need
For fish only I would say just a 2 bulb T5 fixture, this will give you a nice color and one day if you decide corals you can get softies and a few LPS.
Use live rock instead of the fake items, it will help natural filteration and in time will be covered in pretty coraline algae, and many fish need live rock. But like I said earlier I would do 80% base rock which is not live yet and seed it with a few pieces of live.
Have you found any sumps or protein skimmers yet? I recommend finding a couple in your price range and list them here so we can give you some feedback. When you go to the LFS look for a sump with a refugium.


New Member
ive got everything printed out in this thread so i need wht to look for and everything when i go to the LFS today.
Originally Posted by 4lc4pon3
ive got everything printed out in this thread so i need wht to look for and everything when i go to the LFS today.
Your doing things right! Alot of new hobbyist it is hard to help but you want to help yourself. Remember no spontanious purchases lol.


You are definetly on the right track! Keep at it and go slow and eventually you will have a thirving tank that you know how to manage and take care of..


New Member
i didnt make it to the shop today due to a bad snow storm wich closed all businesses. tomorrow hopefully
im not adding any fish for sometime obviously i have to let it cycle but even after that i might not add anything fish until i feel comfortable because i dont want to have dying fish.


New Member
hey guys while im settings up my 55 gallon for salt water i wanted to know if there is a need or a use for a 20 long. I have a 20 gallon with stand that is just getting no use. I was going to use it for a goldfish tank for my daughter but she doesnt seem interested.
smash it? any ideas?
Will it fit in your stand? That could be your sump. You would just need to make some baffles which is not hard. This could save you some money.


Originally Posted by reefaholic33
Will it fit in your stand? That could be your sump. You would just need to make some baffles which is not hard. This could save you some money.
+1. With a 20 long you could make a sump/refugium.


New Member
i didnt want to use it for my sump. i wanted to keep it a tank and maybe Use it maybe a smaller salt water tank with a couple Small Fish (Pair)? or is it generally 2 small?
also what is a QT? getting my hands on another 20 long is nothing since i can get one for Free that is pretty much brand new.


QT stands for Quarantine Tank. It's a tank specifically for housing new fish for at least 3 weeks before you move them into your main tank. Also, for housing any sick fish in your DT (display tank).